Your Questions About Hyperplasia Of Prostate
July 27th, 2012 by health

Thomas asks…

Can hyperplasia of prostate be cured?

Can hyperplasia of prostate be cured?

health answers:

There are several good treatments that you could say are cures but I’m not sure if it’s just a temporary cure or permanent. I suppose it depends on how long you live after treatment if the symptoms will return.

Jenny asks…

should i leave masturbation to prevent future BPH (benign prostate hyperplasia) ?

i am a 27 yr old guy .i don know guys but i m kinda freaked out to the verge of leaving masturbation for the sake of my prostate gland.i admit i am an avid over masturbator for last 5 yrs (3-4 times per day) everyday.i had no problems whatsoever related due to this habit until recently i had an epididymitis of right testicle (inflammation of right epididymis). i have no sexual contacts but i don know why it happened to me .might be due to my over indulgence in masturbation. that can be a legal culprit . after this incidence i am in constant fear of getting BPH due to continuous overuse of prostate gland over the years .i have also read in Ayurveda that over indulgence in sex is a potential cause for enlarging prostate gland in future ( .and my father recently who is 54 yrs old is diagnosed with prostate enlargement . man this thought is killing me. my excess self love over the years might drown me into a non sex condition in future .please help me .any senior old member here who can help me out here.self experience???would i surely got an enlarge prostate in near future due to my over masturbation. is Ayurveda correct in every way telling the facts ???

health answers:

Abstaining from masturbation and/or sex leads to BPH—benign prostate hypertrophy.

Males get an enlarged prostate in later life, when their sexual frequency decreases, and it’s not from “overuse.”

Retention of semen irritates the prostate, leading to inflammation and a much higher possibility of prostate cancer in later life.

I’ve never heard of masturbation causing epididymitis, just the opposite.

In other words, use it or lose it.

Masturbation is good for you; keeps the juices flowing.

George asks…

Are creatine supplements safe?

Most of it’s reviews and research I’ve made demonstrate that this is one of few only muscle growth supplements that are actually safe and healthy.
But I came across this information which said that: a noticeable side effect is that Creatine has is that it increases the conversion rate from testosterone to dihydrotestosterone in the body meaning it increases dihydrotestosterone levels in ones blood serum.
Dihydrotestosterone is a common androgen but when it’s levels raise up to high this hormone is associated with the following: male pattern baldness, benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostate cancer, by enlarging the prostate gland.

I got this information from the Wikipedia (under Creatine Supplements and Dihydrotestosterone) and I just want to be sure before I start taking these supplements. Is my health and hair at risk for taking these supplements?

Here are the links to the information:
but it’s not only Wikipedia, there are several blogs and articles that discuss this DHT boost.

health answers:

Interesting! The protein powder I had been taking over the summer had creatine in it and I hadn’t heard of this. I’m glad its only 3g/serving and I only take 1/4 a serving…

Wikipedia is reliable when it comes to stuff like this.
Looking up celebrities is another story.

There was a study done that found creatine raised dihydrotestosterone levels. And not by small levels. Simple as that.
Is it possible the study was botched? Possibly.

There is no question that there is alot of male pattern baldness in body builders and wrestlers(some wrestlers in my highschool were going bald by senior year) Who seem to use it more than other athletes. So maybe this the study isn’t really a surprise..

Its up to your really.
That seems to be the only possible serious side effect.

But my opinion is large doses of creatine aren’t worth the bloated/nonathletic look it gives the people who use it(the Dbag look)
Let alone possible baldness..

Small doses..for a couple weeks at a time. Should be fine.
This is the second summer I have been taking the powder with a little creatine in it before sprints etc. And after reading that I’m glad thats all i’ve ever taken of it.

Sandy asks…

Why does the prostate enlarge (BPH)?

We know the prostate enlarges in older men which results in Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH). We have heard this tons of times. My question is, why. I have never heard of a reason why it enlarges. Also, is there a way to prevent it from enlarging?

health answers:

My prostate is enlarged right now. My doctor told me it is prostesis (prostate infection). He said it’s about two times the normal size but will return to normal after a round of anti-biotics. I guess it’s just the infection that causes it to enlarge.

Sandra asks…

guys if u were suffering from prostate enlargement, would u tell your family or find it embaressing?

This disorder means the inside of your p*nis is swelling up

health answers:

Tell them,,,

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