Your Questions About Bile Components
August 3rd, 2012 by health

Laura asks…

What are the components f bile juice???

health answers:

Bile is what comes out of your liver, it is an emulsifier and it breaks down big globs of oil into smaller droplets of oil. It is what makes poop brown

Nancy asks…

In addition to water, the principal components of urine are ?

1)Amino acids and fatty acids. 2)urea and salts. 3)ammonia and bile. 4)hydrochloric acid and bases

health answers:

2) urea and salts

William asks…

Need some serious help in Anatomy 202?

Please help me out all you can! Bile contains several different components. What are they? & 1 more question. Which components or bile can precipitate out when they interact with calcium?

health answers:

The principal components of Bile are cholesterol,bile salts and pigment bilirubin.
The glycineconjugated dihydroxy species prevent the tranformation of amorphous calcium phosphate to calciumhydroxyapatite a component of gallstones. The binding affinity of bile salts to fully mature hydroxyapatite has the following order: glycineconjugated dihydroxy salts>taurine-conjugated dihydroxy salts>glycocholate-taurocholate.

Lisa asks…

Shall a normal functioning kidney release urine which contain:?

a. Glucose
b. Hippuric Acid Crystals
c. Albumin
d. Bile Pigments
e. Bile Salts
*say yes on each letter if a healthy urine shall contain the given component..
you can have more than one answer..

health answers:

A. Glucose

John asks…

Assembling the rear wheel axle, bearings, spacers, etc. on my old road bike. Need help with details/?

Hi everyone, I bought an old road bile and the rear wheel wasn’t assembled correctly.

I took some pictures of the parts I need to put together, here’s the link to them:

It seems pretty clear that the bearing assemblies are the innermost component, followed by the nut with the rounded end that contacts the bearings. After that is the locknut for the rounded part just mentioned.
The outermost components would be the nut and washer which hold the wheel onto the bike.

Problem is, I still have 2 parts leftover. One seems to be a spacer, the other is a flat round nut with its top and bottom cut off. Probably for the freewheel side of the axle, but I want to make sure I do this right.


health answers:

Those cones are badly pitted and worn out. The thread is almost non-existent at where it matters. The retainers for the balls are a joke. You seems to be missing a ball and they may be as bumpy as a golf ball from going over those cones. Get a whole new axel assembly. The teeth of the cluster are worn out too. You can see the hook shape and the deformed slopes.

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