Your Questions About Bph Medications
August 31st, 2012 by health

Daniel asks…

Best medication for BPH is from DR/proffessor Yang Wang?

The web site claims that their herbal medicine for BPH is more effective than any other medicine. Does anyone know that how far it is true?

health answers:

I DO not know , but , you can try to use the -Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory pill.The natural way to treat enlarge prostate is to use the herbs , the Chinese traditional medicine Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory pill is a herbal med that you can use , this herbal med is made up of 50 natural plants , and you never need to worry about the side effect . This is a gentle and safe herb , it can not only kill bacteria, but also promote circulation of blood. You can cure your enlarged prostate within one to three month and you will not get the recurrence of bph any more. Maybe you can get more info about the med on google . More options of treatment of BPH can help you get recovered asap . Best of luck , have a healthy body .

Robert asks…

what about Dr. Yang Wang herbal medication for BPH?

China Shenzong Prostate Researching & Treatment Center Institute
Expert or
Consulting Telephone: 008613066957011 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 008613066957011
Above tittle challenges BPH herbal effective treatment with any other medication availble today.Feedback from customers shows very fast cure from the root cause.I would like to confirm that any body using this herbal medicene from and what about results,please?

health answers:

I HAVE NOT heard of this dr , i do not know it . Maybe the dr is not a good dr , you have to call them to confirm it .

Jenny asks…

having BPH would that be my reason for an insuficent drug urine test?

i recently did a random drug test and the results were incomplete,due to the fact i couldnt fill the container to its required level at the collection site. now my doctor performed a prostate exam, and determined due to the swollen prostate , that could be the cause so he perscribed medication.
i am not at all concerned of the outcome of what my results would be, my real issue is the questions, that my doctor had asked me. because after the questions , i realized the pause before urination and at times it just dribbles out. so having knowing the possibility of having BPH. would that have an affect on my urine sample delivery?.

health answers:

Yes. Your doctor knows best.

P.S. Why is this in the Cars & Transportation category?

Ken asks…

Is it time to Find New Docter?

Ive been seeing the same Docter Off/On for many years now,and since he is on my Health Plan I have been seeing him more regular.Anyway Ive had this Health coverage for almost 4 years now and have been seeing Doc for High Blood pressure and a Prostate issue(BPH)all of which I am on medication for 3 meds for Blood pressure and 1 for prostate(Flomax).The medications make me feel worse ,except for Flomax.What I am wondering is at what point do I need to request a Full Physical and auctual treatment for the Prosate issue.I am 46 and dont want to live rest of life putting a bandaid on this problem(my dad sufferered same issue until he had surgery in his 70s)do I want to wait that long.What should I ask my Docter and based on his responses should I seek a new Docter if he just want to prescribe more meds.

health answers:

The bandaid is often used before more invasive measures such as sugery as the risk is considered MUCH less (anaesthetic, bleeding risk, risk of permanent impotence etc).
Why are the BP medications making you feel bad (is your BP still high or going too low?)-either way meds may need to be reviewed. Are you getting headaches or feeling dizzy??
Things you may be able to do about your BP-loose weight, exercise more, improve your diet (lower fats more fruit/veg etc) stop smoking, cut down on alcohol. Sometimes you can do all these things and still have BP problems though. Flomax can cause dizziness so combined with your BP medications may be making you feel bad
I would go along with a list of your symtpoms and see if you can get some of your meds altered so you have less side effects-you dont say what they are so its hard to give good advice.
Cheers caz

Sandy asks…

Has anybody had this procedure?

I am a 50 year old male that has suffered with BPH (benign prostatic hyprplasia) since I was 35.. I am getting tired of getting up 3-4 times each night to urinate- I can’t get good sleep anymore. My urologist is recommending a microwave procedure to heat and shrink the prostate (Prolieve). This procedure has only been arond for 8-10 years. Have any of you guys had this procedure? Have any of you ended up incontinent or impotent from this? My doctor assures me that won’t happen, but it’s not he whose getting this done….I’ve already tried medications and herbs…

health answers:

Ive never had this procedure or know someone that has….but if your doctor says it wont happen..get it in writeing..if he doesnt i know there is a new medication that came out for the same illness…for the life of me the name escapes me but i know if you ask your doctor he can tell you more about it before you do this procedure…what it comes down to is hey get it done and worry bout the problems when they come

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