The Difference Between Healthcare and Prevention
January 1st, 2014 by Aldouspi


Health care and prevention are two totally different subjects. Healthcare to a large extent is a component of the medical establishment. Prevention on the other hand, is a component of individual responsibility. Healthcare‘s idea of prevention is early detection. True prevention is a lifestyle that leads to the avoidance of disease altogether.

Larry had a problem with high blood pressure. His doctor had placed him on a blood thinner and told him that he would have to take it for the rest of his life. Larry begin to study what caused high blood pressure and found that there were lifestyle changes that he could make. He realized that he was nutritionally out of balance. He made appropriate nutritional changes to the foods in his diet that were known to have blood thinning properties.

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About 90 per cent of Britain’s 40, 000 annual cases of lung cancer could be prevented, mostly through people quitting smoking, as reported in the British Journal of Cancer. A quarter of breast cancers and half of bowel cancers could also be prevented by lifestyle changes, the study found.

To check the growing trend of obesity amongst teenagers, experts are recommending wholesale lifestyle changes such as intake of balanced nutritional meals at regular intervals, regular physical exercise and changes in lifestyle that involve you to do more physical work.

When he returned to his doctor, the doctor asked him what he was doing. When he told the doctor the dietary changes his doctor told him to stop taking them as it was interfering with his medication. Larry changed doctors to one that would work for him and is now off all medications. With very few exceptions medications block or override a natural body function. The true goal of wellness is to restore the body to a natural balance.

A major source of the problem comes from the fact that the medical community does not typically address the whole being. If a person has an emotional problem they will treat the symptoms that are manifested in the physical domain. If a person has a social problem that exhibits physical symptoms the medical community will treat the symptoms. If a person has a spiritual problem or false belief that causes physical symptoms again the medical community will treat the symptoms. In each of these cases the true underlying problem is never addressed. For the most part a person’s spiritual or belief system is pretty much ignored. Your beliefs determine your actions and because of that it is true that 90% of all illness begins in the mind.

There have been some very interesting studies on the value of prayer as it relates to sickness. There is a significant increased rate of healing and positive coping with difficult situations in those that pray and have a strong belief in a higher power.

A study done in England showed that it was 16 times less expensive to prevent a disease than to treat it. What makes prevention difficult is that it is related to your belief system. There are some people who do not believe in the importance of drinking water. There are still many people who do not believe that smoking is bad for them. There are many people with false beliefs about exercise. For many it is simply a lack of education about proper nutrition.

One of the biggest mistakes that many people make in the role of prevention is trying to take preventative measures after they have become ill. Very simply if you are sick go to the doctor and get your symptoms treated. Do not be deceived by thinking that just because you treat the symptom you have taken care of the underlying cause. This is where your role of personal responsibility comes in. You need to find out what caused the problem. Then make the appropriate lifestyle changes as to remove the cause.

One of the best ways to accomplish this is through a lifestyle coach. As a lifestyle coach I have learned everyone is different. We all come with our own unique baggage. The root cause of disease is very often not located in the physical domain. An experienced coach will identify areas for personal improvement that you would not see on your own. I never cease to be amazed when an individual identifies one of their false beliefs and then cannot understand why everybody else doesn’t see it the way they do. Each of us have beliefs that are limiting factors to the quality of life that we enjoy. You made lifestyle changes to get where you are today. To achieve lasting success you will have to make corrective lifestyle changes to reach your goal. An old Chinese proverb says,” The journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step.” That single step for you could be a lifestyle coach.

Abut the author: At whole life ministry I have been privileged to help many achieve their lifestyle goals. Take your first step today, right now, to contact my website and click on either free weight-loss coaching or free lifestyle classes, then write your question and message box. Be sure to include your contact information so I can get back to you.

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