Ways To Improve Your Memory
March 22nd, 2014 by Aldouspi

improve memory

There are many good reasons to increase memory power. This is something that can help you in many areas of your life, from your social life to your career. In addition, it can provide you with a great deal of pleasure and satisfaction. There are quite a few techniques to improve memory, as well as various supplements you can take to do this. So if you are wondering how to improve my memory, the following tips will prove quite useful.

Improve Your Memory With Food and Supplements

One of the simplest ways to increase memory power is by eating foods that are rich in certain nutrients. This can be supplemented by taking vitamins, minerals and herbs. Let’s look at some of the most powerful nutrients for this purpose and where you can find them.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids – These are healthy fats that benefit your whole body, including your brain. Some of the best sources of these fats are fish, such as salmon, tuna, sardines and oysters. Fish oil capsules are another way to get these healthy fatty acids. Other foods that supply your brain with these vital fats include flaxseed, wheat germ and nuts such as walnuts and cashews. Note that Omega-3 Fatty acids should be taken in balance with other types of Omega Fatty acids.

More on Memory Help

Memory improvement mechanics involves engaging in activities that stimulate the brain. When it comes to boosting your brain power you need to eat right, minimize stress and be physically active. The combination of all these things helps in improving memory.

Yoga is an excellent mean for increasing brain functions. As we know, the yoga methods increase blood flow in the brain and energizes the every single tissue with the fresh flow of nutrition and oxygen rich blood. Sleep well to improve memory. According to researchers, sleep is important for improving memory because your brain conducts the major memory enhancing activities during the sleep hours.

People often ask how to improve memory without realizing that if your concentration is all over the place then you cannot expect to remember what you thought you have learned or tried to learn. Concentration is the ability to keep your thoughts focused on what you are doing. Your attention and interest is totally engrossed and absorbed in what you are doing, so much so that whatever happens around you is in no way a hindrance to your task. Do you concentrate like that?

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Author:Ron White


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Exercise: It may sound absurd, but physical exercise can help improve the function of your brain. Exercise is good for physical as well as mental fitness. It promotes brainpower, which in turn improves the cognitive ability of the brain. Exercise improves blood circulation and promotes neurogenesis. The overall effect of exercise helps improve memory.

Antioxidants – Antioxidants help protect your organs and immune system, but they are also valuable if you want to increase memory power. You can take various supplements that are high in antioxidants. These include grape seed extract, resveratrol, Coq10 and vitamins such as Vitamin E, Vitamin C and Beta-carotene. Good food sources of antioxidants are fruits and vegetables such as blueberries, strawberries and green vegetables such as spinach, kale and chard. Another very healthy source of antioxidants is green tea, which you can either drink or take as a supplement.

How to Improve Your Memory With Exercises and Techniques.

There are a variety of techniques to improve memory. Anyone who wants to accomplish this must be willing to focus on this issue consistently. This isn’t something you can only attend to when you feel like it. You must make it part of your daily lifestyle. Here are some of the best techniques to improve memory.

Read Consistently -Reading, both fiction and nonfiction, keeps your brain active. Even if you are done with school, you should make reading a part of your daily life. You should also read beyond your comfort zone. For example, if you like murder mysteries or romance novels; make yourself read nonfiction and serious literature as well.

Games and Puzzles -Many games challenge your mind. These include chess, backgammon, go, card games that employ strategies and trivia games, just to name a few. Doing puzzles such as Sudoku, crossword puzzles, word jumbles or any puzzle that forces you to think or calculate will help to keep your memory sharp.

Exercise -Vigorous exercise isn’t only good for your whole body, it’s a way to keep your brain and memory working well. When you exercise, you are circulating blood and oxygen throughout the body, including the brain. Running, power walking, bicycling and swimming are just a few examples of aerobic exercises that send more oxygen to your brain. Strength training exercises such as weight lifting are also beneficial in this regard, as are playing strenuous sports.

How to Improve Your Memory With Lifestyle Habits

If you want to improve your memory, you can change your diet, take certain supplements and employ specific techniques to improve memory power. There are also some other everyday measures that you can take that can have an effect on your memory.

Sleep -If you don’t get enough rest, your brain cannot function optimally. Most people need at least seven hours, though this varies from person to person. Many people nowadays are sleep deprived. This can have a harmful effect on your memory as well as your overall ability to function. If you have trouble getting enough sleep, you should try to fit in a nap during the day or early evening.

Stay Organized -Clutter and disorganization can contribute to confusion and a sense of being out of control. This can make it more difficult to think clearly and remember things. That’s why keeping your home or office organized and de-cluttering can be a way to increase memory power.

Socialize -It may not be obvious at first, but socializing and talking can be a way to improve memory. Many older people who start to lose their memories are also socially isolated. Socializing compels you to pay attention, think and often involves exchanging stories that involve memories.

Pursue Mindful Interests and Hobbies -There are many hobbies that can help you keep your memory sharp. Collecting items such as stamps, coins or sports cards compels you to organize items and to recall dates and categories. Other hobbies that employ techniques to improve memory include keeping a scrapbook, writing, playing music and gardening.

There are Many Ways To Improve Your Memory:

The above are some of the best ways to increase memory power. Many of the techniques to improve memory can be easily incorporated into your life, such as socializing, pursuing a hobby and reading. Fortunately, many of the actions that are good for your memory are also beneficial for you in other ways. For example, eating healthy and exercising support overall health, especially for your heart. Getting sufficient rest is also something that helps you physically as well as mentally. As you start to seek ways to increase memory power, you will probably find that there are countless ways to do this.

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