Sexually Transmitted Disease – Syphilis
A sexually transmitted disease is an illness that has a significant probability of being transmitted between humans or animals by means of sexual contact, including vaginal intercourse, oral sex, and anal sex.
Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease, or STD, caused by the spirochetal bacterium Treponema pallidum subspecies pallidum. Transmission of syphilis is always through sexual contact, although there are examples of congenital syphilis via transmission from mother to child in utero.
Syphilis is still a terrible venereal disease. It usually appears first as small, hard sores or hard chancres, on the sexual parts or the mouth. Then the syphilitic bacteria spreads throughout the whole body by means of the blood.
After a few weeks, it breaks out as a rash on the face or body.
Syphilis may lie dormant for years, and then suddenly become active again.
During this latter phase, Syphilis produces sores on all parts of the body and often begins eating up the bone.
It can also destroy internal organs, such as the liver, cause hardening of the lungs, diseases of the blood vessels and eye diseases.
Ulcers of the brain and nerve paralysis often result from it.
Towards the end, the syphilis sufferer will endure the consumption of the spinal marrow and paralysis of the brain, or paresis. The first slowly hardens and destroys the spinal marrow, the second the brain.
Consumption of the spinal marrow leads to death in the course of a few years of continuous torture. Paralysis of the brain turns the sufferer into a human ruin, gradually extinguishing all mental and nervous functions, sentience, movement, speech and intellect.
As a rule, these most debilitating and often fatal symptoms may occur from 5 to 20 years after the initial infection, although more usually in the 10 or 15 years range.
One danger of syphilis is the fact that its true nature of being infected may be overlooked during the first period, because of the lack of pronounced symptoms. Its early sores may easily be mistaken for some skin affection, which soon disappears.
The sores developed during the first two or three years of the disease are very infectious. In the case of a chronic syphilitic of three or four years’ standing, the sores, as a rule, are no longer infectious. It is possible, however, for a syphilitic of this description to bring forth syphilitic children, without infecting his wife. Such children either die at birth, or later, of this congenital syphilis.
They may also die of spinal consumption or paresis between the ages of 10 and 20. The mortality rate of all syphilitic children is very great.
This is not a disease to take lightly. It is out there and if you are having unprotected sex or sex with more than one partner or if you have had sex and never been tested – now is the time to be tested for STD’s including syphilis.

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About the Author The author has also written about: how hurricane forms.