The Use of Face Masks and Respirators
“If used correctly, face masks and respirators may help prevent some exposures, but they should be used along with other preventive measures, such as social distancing and hand hygiene,” according to the CDC (Center for Disease Control).
A combination of protective actions should be taken to help prevent the spread of the latest flu and other infectious diseases, including washing hands, minimizing exposure by keeping infected people away from others and treating them with anti-viral drugs, having those who care for ill family members voluntarily stay home and encouraging everyone to avoid crowded places and large gatherings.
Face masks are loose-fitting disposable masks that cover the nose and mouth. They include products labeled as surgical, dental, medical procedure, isolation and laser masks.
Face masks stop the wearer from spreading droplets and keep splashes or sprays from reaching the wearer’s mouth and nose. They are not designed to protect against breathing in very small particles. Face masks should be used only once.
A respirator – an N95 or higher filtering face piece respirator approved by the U.S. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health – is designed to protect people from breathing in very small particles that might contain viruses.
“N95” means the filter on the respirator screens out 95 percent of particles 0.3 microns and larger that otherwise could pass through into the respiratory system. Higher numbers mean a higher percentage of particles are screened. N95 respirators, which are disposable and cannot be cleaned, should be worn only once.
N95 respirators usually are used in construction and other jobs that involve dust and small particles. Health care workers like nurses and doctors also use respirators when taking care of patients who have diseases that can spread through the air.
The filter and tightness of fit together determine a respirator’s effectiveness. To be most effective, such respirators must fit tightly to the face so air is breathed through the filter material. Respirators are not designed to fit tightly on children or people with facial hair.
Because it screens out very small particles, a respirator gives a higher level of protection than a face mask.
The CDC offered specific advice to reduce the risk of infection during a pandemic. Individuals should:
- Avoid close contact and crowded conditions whenever possible, rather than relying on the use of masks or respirators;
- In crowded settings, consider using face masks to protect noses and mouths from other people’s coughs and reduce the likelihood of coughing on others;
- Use respirators when contact with an infectious person cannot be avoided, such as when caring for a sick person at home.
People should consider wearing a face mask during an influenza pandemic, if they are sick with the flu and think they might have close contact with other people, live with someone who has flu symptoms or will spend time in a crowded public place.
People should consider wearing a respirator during an influenza pandemic, if they are well and expect to be in close contact with people who are sick with pandemic flu.
Face Masks and Respirators For Sale
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