Aromatherapy and Beauty Products
August 22nd, 2011 by AldouspiE

Aromatherapy and Beauty Products

Today, many beauty products are turning to Aromatherapy to enhance their products. Aromatherapy uses the art of fragrant herbs and flowers to bring healing to the mind, body, and spirit. There are many herbs that have qualities that enhance beauty both internally and externally. These flower and plant extracts are showing up in hair products such as shampoos and conditioners, deep therapeutic massage oils, face creams and moisturizers, anti wrinkle formulas, skin lotions, perfumes, hair dyes, and bath oils.
Herbs and plants are diffused and become Essential Oils. These are the oils that were derived from the plants, and they contain the same properties as the plant. Essential oils may be added to a carrier or base oil. The base may be a simple oil for massage and bath oils, or it may be a shampoo or conditioner. For creating many products, one or more Essential oils will be added.

You can create your own beauty products such as bath gels, lotions, moisturizers, and facial masks by using the proper bases. Many herbal and health food stores will carry a variety of bases that you can use. You can create bath gels by using a bath gel base and adding essential oils such as Chamomile, Aloe Vera, Lavender, Rose, Rosemary, Rosewood, Jasmine, Neroli, Geranium, and Ylang Ylang.

Bath Salts are a wonderful way to relax and detoxify the body at the same time. You can create your own bath salts by using either Epsom salts or Sea Salts. Simply add a few drops of your favorite Essential Oils to the salts. You can also blend complimentary oils together with the salts. Add the fragrant salts to the bath, and then soak for at least 20-30 minutes. Some great Essential Oils that you may add to your bath salts include Sandalwood, Frankincense, Cypress, Rosemary, Chamomile, Jasmine, Rose, Tea Tree, Geranium, Lavender, and Lemon.

You can create your own purifying and toning facial masks by using clay that you can purchase in a health food store. Clays come in various forms according to your skin type. You can also add different essential oils to your clay masks for a wonderful soothing and refreshing mask.

By adding your own Essential oils to make your own beauty products you can take complete control of your beauty products. Not only can you make wonderful beauty products and treatments for your skin, but you can also make many remedies that will add strength, vitality, and shine to your hair. A Chamomile infusion will bring highlights to blonde hair, and you can use a conditioner base to make your own Chamomile conditioner.

Rosemary is fantastic for keeping your hair toned and free from buildup and you can create your own dandruff shampoo by adding Lavender, Sage, Cedarwood or Birch to your shampoo base. Lavender is also great for adding body to baby fine, or thin hair. There are many natural beauty remedies that you can make that will not only perform wonders, but are healthier than many commercial products. By using organic Essential Oils, your skin will be nourished, cleansed, and toned while moisturized with the exact herbal formula that your skin requires.

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