squeeze out health benefits from the rosea rhodiola extract
September 5th, 2010 by Aldouspi

Squeeze Out Health Benefits from the Rosea Rhodiola Extract

It’s a golden era for many of us who have finally realized that we are killing ourselves with our lifestyle. Our bodies have taken the toll of our unhealthy habits and even with so many amazing medical scientific breakthroughs; there are also a large number of mortality rates because of health depravation. Luckily, a good number of people today have seen the light and have leaned towards ensuring that our bodies are fit and healthy, just look around you gyms are abound and many health buffs are coming out. That’s why ancient medical traditions have also made a comeback and herbs have become the fashion. Just like the Rosea Rhodiola.

More than just a fad, herbs like the Rosea Rhodiola, also called roseroot or golden root, is very popular because they actually work. And even though to some the name may be relatively new, the Rosea Rhodiola has long been used by olden cultures for a variety of health reasons. And because they are highly effective and virtually cheap, they are now enjoying immense popularity around the globe, especially in Europe and Asia where they are usually found and have long been a part of their culture.

As one of the alternative forms of medical sources, the Rosea Rhodiola extract has long been proven, in clinical studies and historical records, to be beneficial in a number of conditions helping eradicate its symptoms and enhancing the human body’s immune system, it’s also a great aid in eliminating stress. It also acts as a regulator and control for impairments in the cognitive system of a person.

In the wide and competitive world of dietary supplements, the Rosea Rhodiola extract is one of the herbs that is classified in the nootropic class, or those aptly named as a natural smart drug. Clinical research studies have shown that the Rosea Rhodiola extract has a good application to our central nervous system, this is because the plant is able to heighten the brain’s bioelectrical activities. The report also shows that the neurotransmitters of the brain, such as dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin, are highly stimulated after Rosea Rhodiola extract use.

This stimulation of the neurotransmitters is imperative because they help in the cognitive functions of the brain, including our ability to concentrate and focus to the task at hand. Plus, because the Rosea Rhodiola has high levels of antioxidants, they are able to control free radicals from doing oxidative damage to our nervous system. This frees our nervous system from any physical and emotional stress and would strengthen our resistance against them. Persons who have been subjected to these tests have shown increased memory and enhanced cognitive functions.

Our mental well being should be given a high priority, it controls our daily lives and allow us to be more productive persons. Taking Rosea Rhodiola extract, along with other supplements which do not contraindicate the plant will ensure that you and your brain will be healthy as well as your body.

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