The Use of Incense in Aromatherapy
August 5th, 2010 by AldouspiE

The Use of Incense in Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy refers to the use of various scents to provide particular mental and physical outcomes. There are many benefits to aromatherapy. The finding that aromatherapy provides certain mental and physical results have been proven by both the spiritual and scientific. In this article, we will expound on the many benefits of the use of incense in aromatherapy.

While many people implement the use of aromatherapy by applying and/or inhaling certain fragrances, it has been found that the use of incense can be just as effective. If you decide to implement the use of incense, it should be noted that you use the proper precautions to ensure that you and your surroundings are kept safe. You should use the proper incense burning tools, and never leave the incense unattended.

The following represents a list of various types of incense and how they are used in conjunction with aromatherapy. This is just a small list of the benefits of different types of incense and their uses in aromatherapy. You can generally look up an incense fragrance to see what kind of benefits it will provide you mentally and physically online, or through books in your local library.

1) Dragon’s Blood incense has been used through the ages for numerous things. In the area of aromatherapy, burning Dragon’s Blood incense has been proven effective in the relief of diarrhea, reducing fevers, helps to alleviate the symptoms of stomach viruses, and assists in relieving the pain of ulcers as well.
2) Sandalwood incense has been used to alleviate stress and to bring one closer to spiritual awareness.
3) Lavender incense is noted for its ability to calm and soothe.
4) Amber incense is a great scent for balancing the body’s various systems.
5) If you suffer from depression and similar mood disorders, you may consider burning Indian Cedar incense.
6) To balance hormones in the body, or to stimulate sexual activity, you may consider burning Jasmine incense. Jasmine incense benefits both men and women in the area of hormones and all things related to hormones.
7) Patchouli incense has been found to help soothe the nerves in the body. It has also been found to make the nerves stronger.
8) Rose incense helps to promote balance with your spiritual side. It has also been noted to assist in meditation and focusing one’s attention.

The use of incense in aromatherapy can be very beneficial. You can generally purchase incense at the rate of ten or twenty sticks for a dollar. In some cases, you can even purchase a larger amount with a variety of different scents. It is ideal to try to find the larger packages with more of a variety of scents to choose from so that you get the most from your money.

Aromatherapy is extremely beneficial and safe. There are no dangerous side effects to the use of aromatherapy, so, it can be performed at any time. The use of incense of aromatherapy has been proven effective for many years now. Numerous other scents provide aromatherapy benefits. You can find these scents by doing a simple internet search, or looking up books on it at your local library.

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