Kideny Failure or Chronic Renal Failure Homeopathy Treatment Dr Harshad Raval Md
December 24th, 2010 by AldouspiE

by vilb


The state of patient with end stage renal failure or progressive reversible chronic renal disease is very pathetic not only for the patient itself but also for the family and society as a whole.

The individualised homoeopathic therapeutic modality considering the patients psychological presentation is very important. Homoeopathy does wonders here and has prevented a large number of cases progressing to Hemodialysis and Renal Transplant.

The usual presentation of C.R.F. in Homeopathic hospital includes:
1. Homeopathy treatment Patients with just diminished renal reserve.
2.Homeopathy manage Patient with End Stage Renal Failure pending Hemodialysis and Renal Transplant.
3. Homeopathy Patient already on long term Dialysis pending Renal Transplant.
4. Homeopathic Management Complications in dialysis
5. Homeopathy prevents Post Renal Transplant Patients.

1. Homeopathy treatment Patients with just diminished renal reserve.

This is the best field for us to work but unfortunately, the number of cases presenting at this stage are very few. The individualized homoeopathic treatment does wonders here and has prevented a large number of cases progressing to stage of dialysis or renal transplant.

The usual symptomatic presentation at this stage is vague with patients mostly complaining of nausea, anorexia and progressive weakness. The laboratory renal parameters are also not very seriously disturbed. The evolution of individualised totality comprising of the mental sphere, habits, past and family history require lots of patience and labor but the results are marvellous.

Homoeopathy has already done a yoeman service to the society here as hemodialysis and renal transplant are not within easy reach of majority of population in under- developed countries.

2.Homeopathy manage Patient with End Stage Renal Failure pending


This is the group of cases with maximum presentations in the clinics. Majority of these cases come to homoeopathic rescue as a last resort as they can’t afford long-term dialysis and transplant.
The other small group of patients want to know the benefits of Homoeopathic treatment over dialysis and if Homoeopathic treatment be carried along with Hemodialysis? The clinical judgment is individualized and varies for every patient. Remember the correlation of uremic symptoms with renal functions varies front patient to patient.

3.Homeopathy Patient already on long term Dialysis pending Renal Transplant.


Homeopathy has a great role to play here. Research experiments in various hospitals reveals the following facts :
(a) Indicated homoeopathic remedies reduced the number of dialysis needed over a period of time.
(b) Indicated homoeopathic remedies reduce and overcome the complications associated with chronic dialysis therapy.

4. Homeopathic Management Complications in dialysis
Remember a chronic dialysis patient depends on a machine for his life. These patients develop a variety of psychiatric, neurologic and somatic disorders. A neurologic disorder ‘Dialysis dementia’ is a characteristic example.
In the mental sphere, these patients become very depressive, their reduced physical abilities make them sad and depressive
They become very irritable like
They know that they have to depend on others, they tolerate and do not express the frustration like
In the physical sphere infections, thrombosis and aneurysm formation occur in the Arterio-venous fistula. There is a high incidence of septic embolisation in these cases. The homoeopathic remedies Arnica, have immensely helped these cases.
Heparin necessary during the hemodialysis procedures to prevent clotting leads to complications such as subdural hematoma and intracerebral hemorrhage. Arnica and different well-proved snake poisons in our Materia Medica are of great help here. .

5. Homeopathy prevent Post Renal Transplant Patients.


The group of patients coming for homoeopathic advice after Renal Transplant is very limited. Homeopaths have very little experience with these patients and the results are not very encouraging. Most of the symptoms here are marked and distorted by immune-suppressive therapy. Immuno-suppressive therapy suppresses all immune responses and hence Homoeopathic treatment has not much role to play in organ rejection of transplant cases.

.We have observed that those cases with renal failure, being put on Dialysis and if they receive homoeopathy medication simultaneously, they require less frequent dialysis and their quality of life improves.


Dr Harshad Raval MD[hom]

Honorary consultant homeopathy physician to his Excellency governors of Gujarat India. Qualified MD consultant homeopath ,International Homeopathy adviser, books writer and columnist. Specialist in kidney, cancer, psoriasis, leucoderma and other chronic disease,. email :

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