Acupuncture and Qi Energy
July 22nd, 2010 by Aldouspi

Qi Energy

Acupuncture’s Qi Energy

In acupuncture, one of the most important and basic concepts that you must understand in order to learn the process is “qi.” Qi is the energy of the body.

Disease and illness, as well as pain, are associated with disruptions in the body’s qi, and by stimulating with needles specific points on the body through which the qi flows, the acupuncturist seeks to heal or unblock the qi’s flow. The concept of qi is difficult to grasp for beginners, but it can be broken down into smaller ideas that are more easily understood.

First, it is important to note there are five main types of qi energy: Qi, Jing, Xue, Jin Ye, and Shen.

Qi can be roughly translated to “matter-energy.” This is the vital life force found within us, and it causes the movement that occurs within the universe. Some equate the Qi to the soul.

Jing can be most closely translated to “essence” in the English language, but there are no exact words in Western terms that mean Jing. We inherit Jing from our mothers and fathers, like DNA, and go on to produce our own Jing during our lives, acquired through the food we eat and the air we breathe.

Jing, then can be somewhat called “health,” since we genetically receive some health predisposition, but also effect our own health and the health of our children with our lifestyle choices.

Xue literally means blood, and is associated with both the liquid that flows through our bodies and the Qi, or life force, that flows within that blood. The health of the two is dependent on one another.

Jin Ye is also a tangible idea-bodily fluids. These include saliva, milk, tears, genital secretions, sweat, stomach fluids, and other liquids of the body.

Lastly, Shen is the body’s spirit. Traditionally, your spirit is located in your heart.

Together, the qi energies are treated with acupuncture in order to create a healthy and pain-free body. The qi energies are important because they help us with the five major functions of the body: growth and development, body heat, defense against illness, controlling the fluids of the body and the organs these fluids effect, and transforming, or bodily processes such as the breaking down of food or metabolism.

By seeing an acupuncturist on a regular basis, you can help maintain a healthy and happy body by addressing the qi in all of its aspects.

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