Dealing with the Toxin Fluoride
January 18th, 2017 by Aldouspi

Are you ready to start dealing with the problem of fluoride in your body? The three main ways fluoride gets into our bodies is through drinking water, bathing in water and using fluoride-containing toothpaste. But what is the big deal, you maybe asking, isn’t fluoride safe?

One dose of fluoride in your water maybe “safe.” But day after day and year after year of such doses can create real health risks. And it is these accumulated risks that make getting rid of the fluoride in your body so important. The first step is to stop taking it in.

Fluoride is known to cause serious health problems including DNA damage, cancer, decrease in intelligence, thyroid disruption, Alzheimer’s Disease, hormone disruption and pineal gland dysfunction. This is just a partial list of health problem that can stem from using fluoride – which we start giving to our children at a very early age!

I believe that eliminating fluoride from our families’ lives is important and the first thing to do is stop buying that fluoride toothpaste. There are plenty of safer toothpastes in the market place or your can make your own toothpaste.

So what do you need to make your own toothpaste? This is simple and easy – you need coconut oil, baking soda and a little bit of your favorite essential oil for flavoring.

Stop the fluoridation of our drinking water

Of course, you still might be thinking: “Well, my dentist tells me to, you know, brush my teeth with fluoride all the time. They put these fluoride traces in my teeth to make sure that I don’t get cavities.” And that my friends is a big misconception, in my own personal opinion.

If you want to put fluoride in your mouth, feel free, but there’s plenty of evidence out there that you should not. In particular, a Harvard study that was just recently done which included over 27 studies of fluoride use over a long period of time time These 27 studies showed that children that use fluoride actually damaged their mental cognition – their mental ability. So if you care about your kids, care about you, I wouldn’t be using fluoride.

One thing this toxin also does is it disrupts your pineal gland. The pineal gland is an acorn shaped gland in your head that gives you the ability to dream, especially lucid dreams. To be creative. To connect to your higher source, whatever you may call it, it disrupts that connection. So I would use this toothpaste or get something like Tom’s toothpaste – the formulas that do not contain fluoride.

Let’s get back to making the toothpaste. It is made by using coconut oil. Coconut oil is good for your teeth because it is it antimicrobial, antibacterial and antiviral. It’s really good at getting rid of the bad bacteria in your mouth without killing the good bacteria. Take one tablespoon of the oil and mix it with one tablespoon of baking soda.

It’s a one to one ratio. Baking soda is a mild abrasive which cleans the teeth and it also helps restore the ph balance in your mouth. And then add just a couple of drops of your essential oil into it -like peppermint, for example. Make it something you find it taste great. Then brush your teeth, aftger meals – at least, twice a day.

The next step in eliminating fluoride from your life is to stop drinking water with fluoride in it. Call your local water department and check to see if they are adding fluoride to your drinking water. If they are, ask them to stop… The more pressure on them to stop adding the fluoride, the more likely they are to do so. In the meantime, you will want to remove the fluoride from your own drinking water – there are filters on the market for this purpose. You can use a reverse osmosis machine to get safer water. And you can also use a water distiller to produce water without the fluoride in it.

Is it bad to drink distilled water? No. What about the minerals in regular water? Do I need those? No. Generally, the minerals found in drinking water are inorganic and unavailable for use by your body. Eating organically and using mineral supplements are the way to get the necessary nutritional minerals into your life. What about the taste (or lack of taste) of distilled water? Mainly, that is due to a lack of aeration. So you can aerate, add flavorings, use distilled water for cooking, get used to the “taste” or even mix it with filtered water, etc.

Okay, you have decided to take steps to eliminate more fluoride from entering you body, but how do you get rid of what is there? There are also supplements that will help in an array of ways. 500 mg per day of magnesium lactate, malate, or clugonate can help absorb fluoride toxicity, once it’s already in the body. And calcium citrate, vitamin D, and vitamin E have all been shown to help as well, with D providing the most help in pregnant women.

Hopefully, this article has given you some things to think about as well as action you can take. Do more research, of course… Eventually, we have to end fluoridation and stop adding the unnecessary and harmful fluoride going into town’s and city’s drinking water. But in the meantime, you can take action that will protect you and your family from the harms of this toxin.

Information provided here is not medical advice – you should always consult your doctor.

As found on Youtube, here, and Youtube, here.

Here is a => Great Water Distiller found on Amazon:

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The Megahome countertop stainless steel steam distiller comes complete with a glass collection bottle, glass nozzle insert, and is stainless steel inside and out for pure steam distillation. Includes glass nozzle insert so that your filter sits in glass instead of plastic…

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News About the Dangers of Fluoride

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