There are, literally, millions of people all across North America who are struggling with high blood pressure, as well as Europe, in Australia and all around the world. Here are five of the top ways to lower your blood pressure naturally and fast. You can see results in one day, 24 hours, by following these tip.
Your number one step to naturally lowering your blood pressure is going to be consuming a Mediterranean-like diet. And a Mediterranean diet is very, very high in fruits, vegetables, sea foods, and healthy omega-3 rich fat oils from things like olives and flax seeds. Following a Mediterranean diet means becoming either grain free or have a lower grain consumption.

Some of the top foods you want to consume on this diet are going to be olive oil, flax seeds, wild-caught fish, especially salmon. And then, lots of fruits and vegetables. If you can do that, that is going to be step one in naturally lowering your blood pressure.
There are four more natural remedies that are going to be beneficial as well. The number one supplement and my number two thing you can do to naturally lower blood pressure is start taking a fish oil supplement. Study after study has shown consuming fish oil which is high in EPA and DHA forms of omega-3 fatty acids reduce inflammation of the body. Now, why is that important?
We know that one of the main causes of high blood pressure is inflammation of the arteries overtime. So again, take a high quality fish oil, a 1,000 milligrams every single day with your meals.
The third natural remedy in naturally lowering high blood pressure is going to be magnesium. Now, magnesium is great because this mineral helps relax your blood vessels and it can have an immediate impact on naturally lowering blood pressure. So again, magnesium, typically 500 milligrams daily is a great dose to naturally start to lower blood pressure.
The fourth natural remedy for lowering blood pressure is going to be getting more potassium in your diet or taking even a potassium supplement. Potassium is essential and some of the best potassium-rich foods includes coconut water and bananas. I suggest coconut water because, if you want something a little bit sweet to drink through the day, coconut water is the answer.
And if you are doing a superfood smoothie in the morning, using coconut water as your actual liquid base gets you even potassium. Avocados are also high in potassium, but what I would do is go online and look up potassium-rich foods and start getting more potassium in your diet to naturally lower blood pressure.
And my number five supplement for naturally lowering blood pressure is going to be Coenzyme Q10. CoQ10 is also crucial, if you’ve ever been on a blood pressure or especially a cholesterol lowering medication, you want to be taking Coenzyme Q10. It’s antioxidant that is critical for supporting your heart health. And so typically 200 to 300 milligrams a day of Coenzyme Q10 can absolutely naturally help balance blood pressure in the body.
So remember, if you’re going to lower your blood pressure, number one, follow a Mediterranean-like diet that’s high in fruits, vegetables, sea food especially wild-caught fish. Next take in healthy fats and oils like omega-3 fatty acids and olive oil. And then add magnesium, fish oil, potassium, Coenzyme Q10 to y9our supplement routine. These nutritional additions and changes to your diet will lead to great results in naturally lowering your blood pressure.
As found on Youtube
Information provided is not medical advice – you should always consult your doctor.
A Drink to Lower Cholesterol
A major cause for death in the USA and heart disease is the poor quality food that people consume. Too much salt, unhealthy fats and hidden refined sugar can be the trigger for many different illnesses. To improve you blood pressure and your cholesterol levels start being more physically active, make better food choices to maintain normal weight avoid excess alcohol and stop smoking cigarettes.
Also consider adding this home remedy recipe that will help keep you healthy and improve your cholesterol levels:
INGREDIENTS: 1 glove of minced garlic, the juice of 1/2 of a lemon, 1/2 tablespoons of grated ginger, 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and 1 tablespoon of organic honey. This recipe is for a daily amount, more or less.
PREPARATION: All the ingredients should be blended together until you have a smooth mixture. Then place the mixture in a jar and store it in the refrigerator. Small doses of it should be consumed throughout the day, and before meals. A bit of water can be added, if you have problems with swallowing or you can just simply add it into your favorite drink.
Health benefits – Garlic: This is a most useful plant. It prevents atherosclerosis, reduces triglycerides, cholesterol and blood sugar.
Ginger: It lowers triglycerides and cholesterol and it is even more beneficial to those people who are dealing with diabetes, nephritic syndrome, alcoholism and hypothyroidism.
Apple Cider Vinegar: Apple cider vinegar decreases the triglycerides and cholesterol. This vinegar normalizes the blood sugar and insulin, making it is great for diabetics who have type 2 diabetes.
Honey: First of all consume honey regularly, as it will help prevent the accumulation of cholesterol in your blood vessels.
As found on Youtube
Information provided is not medical advice – you should always consult your doctor.
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