High Cholesterol From Hypothyroidism
July 29th, 2010 by Aldouspi

High Cholesterol From Hypothyroidism

If you have high cholesterol and hypothyroidism, the two could be related. Often, hypothyroidism is linked to higher triglyceride levels and increased cholesterol levels. The major downside to this is that if your high cholesterol is caused by your thyroid problem, then it may not react to the cholesterol-lowering drugs that many patients use to get their levels back within a healthy range.

What is cholesterol?
Cholesterol is a fatty or waxy type substance that is found in your blood. It is produced in the liver and needed throughout the body for a variety of functions, such as producing hormones, vitamin D, and bile acids. But if your cholesterol levels become too high, then they can start to coat the inside of your arteries. This can lead to the hardening and thickening of the arteries, or even their blockage, that is associated with heart disease, heart attack and stroke.

Treatment for hypothyroidism
If you are diagnosed with hypothyroidism, your doctor will often put you on a thyroid hormone replacement. In some cases, this will be enough to lower cholesterol levels. For other patients, however, treatment for the hypothyroidism alone is not enough, and they also have to look for ways to lower their cholesterol levels at the same time.

Lowering your cholesterol
If you need to lower your cholesterol, then you may be wondering what sort of options you might have. A good starting place is to look at your diet and exercise. Losing any extra pounds that you might be carrying around, getting regular exercise, and eating heart-healthy foods can all help. In some cases, medications may be able to give you the extra boost that you need. You will need to talk to your doctor about what is safe for you to do to lower your cholesterol when you are looking at your overall health. He or she may be able to give you a plan of action, or may recommend that you see a dietitian to get started.

The foods you eat
Since patients with hypothyroidism do not always respond well to the medication options for treating high cholesterol, the food that they eat plays an even more important role in getting their cholesterol levels back down withing healthy levels. Cut back on high-cholesterol foods to begin with. However, keep in mind that foods that are high in saturated fat will also influence your cholesterol levels. Fiber can help bring your levels down.

Fresh fruits, vegetables, and grains are staples for any healthy diet, and will also help with lowering your cholesterol. Oatmeal is a good option for bringing cholesterol down. Look for leaner cuts of meat and low fat dairy options.

Another thing to look for is condiments that include plant sterols and stanols. Often labeled as “heart healthy” or “cholesterol-lowering” these ingredients take the place of cholesterol in the intestines so that the cholesterol you eat passes harmlessly through. Simply making a switch to these can cut down your LDL cholesterol levels by as much as 15%. Keep in mind that you should only eat them in moderation, however, since many are also calorie dense, which will make it difficult for you to lose weight.

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