Dealing with the Stress of Gig Economy Jobs
May 3rd, 2018 by Aldouspi

Are Gig Economy Jobs Right for You?

Working in the gig economy as a freelancer or independent contractor provides a high degree of freedom. With this freedom comes much responsibility, however. Tasks that are handled by employers, such as cutting paychecks and withholding for taxes fall squarely on the shoulders of a freelancer, who is essentially self-employed.

For some, this mix of freedom and responsibility enables productivity, while others may lack the motivation and drive to do work necessary for success. A mental health diagnosis can influence the decision to embark on a gig economy career. Feelings of depression can hinder gainful employment under a traditional job. If you have a dark day, your boss likely won’t be sympathetic as the work needs to be done. As a freelancer, however, your schedule will be yours to arrange, and you may be able to structure a life-work balance that allows for variances in mood.

On the other hand, if you suffer from bouts of anxiety, the stress that can accompany self-employment can be tough to handle. If you rely on steady income, for example, you should be prepared for fluctuations in pay until you become established in your field.

Do you have what it takes to run your own business?

Here are some self-employment skill sets, from Plexus, that can indicate whether you have what it takes:

  • Problem-solving. If you often look to others to help solve problems or for direction on how to approach a difficulty, then self-employment may present a challenge. But, if you love making decisions on your own, and often question the policies and procedures of an organization, then your tendencies for independent thought will take you far as a freelancer.
  • Adaptability. Self-employment requires flexibility. It’s often not possible to stop what you are doing just because the clock strikes five, or it’s time for your lunch break. A freelancer works until the job is done, and is often paid per task, rather than per hour.
  • Self-motivation. If you love the idea of challenging yourself to do more, then the gig economy may be right for you. Those who need prompting – or the threat of termination – in order to complete their job may find themselves lost when they only report to themselves.

Beyond these skills, successful self-employment requires confidence. For some, it may be easier to drum up confidence when your are competing against no one but yourself.

De-stressing while self-employed

Financial and work-related stress may be unavoidable, even if only on a small level. Pressure to make money doesn’t necessarily amount to a bad thing – and can be a positive motivator. For those who are self-employed there are several ways to deal with stress that are more effective than burying your head under the covers each morning.

To de-stress try the following techniques:

  • Breathing exercises. Be present and aware of your breathing from time to time – it’ll help you contain and manage stress.
  • Workout or talk a walk as often as possible. Exercise is a great way to focus and is a time-honored tool for business executives. Refuel your body and mind and you’ll see your motivation increase.
  • Take some time for yourself each day. It’s easy for the line between work and personal life to erode while self-employed. Spend time away from your job doing things you enjoy.
  • Get out of the home office from time to time. Enjoy the flexibility of your work situation and go interact with others. Work from a coffee shop for a part of the day. Take a walk to a client’s office. Reconnect with friends.

The gig economy presents opportunities to assert yourself and live a self-directed life with less anxiety for certain personality types. If you can handle the challenges, freelance work can be a good fit for those with certain mental health issues.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

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