Lupus Chat Rooms and Message Boards
January 20th, 2011 by Aldouspi

Lupus Chat Rooms and Message Boards
Those with lupus often need to find others with the same condition to talk to and gain support from. Fortunately there are many such people available through websites on the Internet and the availability of these groups often goes a long way to helping people who are dealing with the shock, pain or confusion of suffering from lupus. When one first discovers that they are ill with a disease that can be so difficult to deal with like lupus having a forum to discuss ones fears and concerns with can go a long way to helping with one’s emotional wellbeing. It is that emotional wellbeing that goes a long way towards helping the patient fight the disease that they have. Support, which they can easily get from others in these chat rooms, is so important to people when they are going through difficult situations.
Many of these chat rooms have more than one way that you can communicate with others. They will have the regular chat rooms forums, but they may also have message boards for the people to post things on. Often the messages boards become places to post questions. They can be questions on treatment methods or maybe someone looking for advice on a medication they have just started or a drug they are having trouble with. They may want to hear about other peoples experiences with the same medications. They may want to post questions about symptoms they are suffering from that they think are odd or unexpected. These boards serve the purpose of allowing a person to post questions and then check back periodically for the answers. For some, this is a more efficient or more comfortable way of communicating with others about their concerns and questions.
For others the chat rooms themselves are a better forum for conversation. They want to exchange ideas and thoughts with other people in conversations over the net. They want instant answers and the ability to further probe a thought if the answer they get does not tell them enough.
Many people prefer the anonymity of chat rooms instead of seeking others out at group therapy meetings or community center group gatherings. They are comfortable in their homes, on their computers with the protection of the Internet between them and the folks they are talking with. These chat rooms are highly monitored to keep the conversations appropriate. They expect members to be respectful to one another. They do not allow vulgar language, the spreading racist or hate commentary or insults to others. They do not allow self medicating suggestions. They also do not allow people to go into the chat rooms to try and sell things to other members. This keeps away those offering miracle cures as well as people trying to sell anything from CDs to clothing. All the moderators ask is respect and compassion for those who are in the chat rooms trying to get some answers or share a moment with someone they think will understand their issues and concerns.

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