Understanding the Facts About Aspirin and Heart Attacks Part 1
Feb 2nd, 2020 by Aldouspi

It has long been believed that aspirin is effective at lowering the risk of having a heart attack while also lessening the incidence of suffering from a clot-related stroke. There is so much misinformation about this claim that separating fact from fallacy is not always easy. Due to the fact that aspirin is not specifically meant fro heart related problems but instead is meant to get rid of a headache, there are no instructions on the side of the label of the bottles. The important thing is to always take the time to learn the facts and then with knowledge in hand, use aspirin safely and wisely to help, as opposed to hinder your health condition. It is also important to always tell your doctor everything, ask pertinent questions and work with him or her.

The fact of the matter is that taking an aspirin on a daily basis is not the solution for everyone. In people with heart problems doctors may prescribe a daily aspirin to decrease the risk of heart attacks, strokes, blood vessel disease, and a variety of other problems related to blood flow. For these people it may prove beneficial whereas the average person with no heart problems could suffer ill effects on a long-term basis from taking aspirin once a day. If you do not have a heart problem, taking aspirin every day will not prevent future problems by any means.

Be aware that every type of over-the-counter medication such as aspirin as well as every prescription drug has both benefits as well as potential risks to the patient who takes it. No one medicine is 100 percent safe. Aspirin for example can lead to some very serious and detrimental side effects such as bleeding taking place in the brain, kidney failure, and bleeding in the stomach and in severe cases, a variety of strokes.

If a doctor prescribes a daily aspirin supplement for you then most people assume that it must be extremely safe to take. Be aware that while doctors are medical professionals they base their diagnosis on the symptoms a patient suffers and not on all aspects of the patient's life and state of health. As a patient you still have to take responsibility for your own health. Your doctor must consider certain factors before deciding to tell you to take an aspirin a day and it is your job to make sure he or she has all of the relevant information to make an informed decision.

The doctor must take into account a patient's complete medical history as well as the medical history of the patient's family members. He must also consider other medications the patient is taking whether they be prescription or over-the-counter. Dietary supplements are also relevant to know about as well and these include herbal remedies, vitamins and weight loss supplements. Any allergies to medications or sensitivities to medications are important for a doctor to make note of and it is important to be aware of what side effects could arise due to taking a daily aspirin. A doctor will not prescribe any medication unless he is fully aware of how it can benefit a patient and being aware of other options that exist, including the risks and benefits is so important.

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