Your Questions About Hiv Testing
May 22nd, 2011 by health

Mandy asks…

hiv testing?

what is hiv testing, how long after infection is a positive test posible. what is the longevity of an infected person

health answers:

The window period for HIV is 3 months, meaning that’s how long you need to wait to ensure a reliable test. Some people will test positive in as little as 2 weeks, but many people have false-negative results if you don’t wait the full 3 months.

People who contract HIV today and strictly adhere to their antiretroviral medications are very likely to live more than 20 years, and probably longer. The new medicines that are out there have turned HIV into a chronic yet manageable disease.

Lizzie asks…

HIV Testing?

I am doing a report on if HIV testing should be mandatory…i was wondering what people think….what is your answer and why?

health answers:

If you believe in human rights it cannot be mandatory. It can be recommended strongly and we should have a process that helps people get tested, but mandatory is a bit much. The disease is not universal, it is contracted through specific types of action and personal behavior.

Look at these articles about Hiv testing:

If your health has been put at risk because of your job – in the medical field or police and fire departments where you might be exposed to HIV through physical contact with other people – it seems reasonable to request a Hiv test from a person who exposed you through bites, cuts and bodily fluids or other physical contact. Mandatory testing after such types of exposures seems reasonable (as well as testing for hepatitis, etc.) see:

Maria asks…


Hi, does anyone know anything about hiv testing? Is the testing different from years ago, people always say you need to wait til 6 months before hiv will show up in your test … I had oral sex with this guy in august the 12th and I tested in October the 15th and I kept worrying about it my test came back fine it was 10 weeks and i spoke to the clinic nurse and she said it would have shown up. I don’t know if I’m worrying over nothing and should I forget about it all!!

health answers:

Yes, testing says 6, but doctors will tell you at 3 months – it is conclusive! Of course, if you are concerned, get tested again.

Another recommendation I have is this: The next time you are in a relationship, where sex in involved, you both should get tested as soon a possible to reassure that neither of you are bringing the Hiv virus into the relationship. Best if you do this before the sex starts, but…

Daniel asks…

HIV testing?

I just went to my Dr. for my annual HIV test. I’ve gone to the same Dr. for years and the same testing center. When I asked him for it, he mumbled something about a blood test and a urine sample and a Syphilis test as well (the blood test and the Syphilis is standard for my Dr. whenever I asked him for an HIV test he would always just check off Syphilis as well and have them taken via blood), but my question is, why did he order the urine sample too?

health answers:

The Urine sample are used for bacterial infections such as Chlamydia & Gonorrhea.

Your Doctor is probably doing a Full STD check up to make sure you have been tested for Bacterial and Viral Infections.

I like this Doctor, he or she is watching out for you. See if your Dr. can also test you for Herpes 1 and 2.

Robert asks…

Hiv Testing?

I recently had sex with an escort; I used a condom but I remember I had a small cut near my groin when we had sex. It wasn’t bleeding, but I would like to get a hiv test to make sure I didn’t catch anything. I had sex with her about a week ago, so I know the standard elisa Hiv test won’t detect any antibodies right now. I heard the p24 antigen test is a decent early detector of an hiv infection, but how long should I wait until I get tested? Are there any tests out there more accurate at detecting hiv early on. I have not had any symptoms of hiv yet, so I know the chances of me having caught the virus are pretty slim, but I still want to make sure I don’t have anything. How much does a p24 antigen test or a PCR test typically cost?

health answers:

When to use the p24 Test? Levels of p24 antigen increase significantly at about one to three weeks after an initial infection. It is during this time frame before HIV antibody is produced when the p24 test is useful in helping to diagnose infection. Typically 2-8 weeks after an infection, the HIV antibody begins showing up at which time the HIV antibody test makes more sense.

There are no symptoms from the HIV directly. Typically symptoms occur when AIDs develops and that can take several years to show up. So go get tested!

Until you have a long term monogamous relationship where both partners have been tested for HIV and other STD’s, then you should plan on HIV testing and other std testing after any unprotected sex and on a twice a year or annual basis.

The cost of tests is reasonable.

Answers provided are not medical advice – you should always consult your doctor. Powered by Yahoo! Answers

Detect HIV early, prolong your life!

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