This post is about the amazing benefits of hemp seeds, and also describes exactly how you want to be using hemp seeds on a regular basis.
When it comes to hemp seeds, the nutritional benefits are really powerful. Think about this. Just three tablespoons of some form of hemp seeds, again, there are a lot of different brands out there, but three tablespoons contains 10 grams of protein and 3,000 milligrams of omega-3 fatty acids in your body’s ideal ratio. So hemp seeds, in many cases, can be even healthier than chia seeds or flax seeds, and it’s one of nature’s number one super foods.
The nutritional profile of the benefits is amazing. First, as I mentioned we start with the 10 grams of protein. Notice to vegetarians – these are plant based proteins! A lot of people, today, tend to start their mornings with a synthetic, processed protein powder for breakfast. Instead, if you make a super foods smoothie in the morning with those three tablespoons of hemp seeds, you can get 10 grams of protein right there. This is the equivalent for a lot of people of about 10 to 20% of your daily value just by doing or breakfast.

Additionally, you’re getting omega-3 fatty acids. The unique thing about hemp seeds is they have a ratio, two omega-3s to one omega-6s. And that is a great great ratio for these two fatty acids. It is, perhaps, the ideal ratio for your body. We know omega-3 fatty acids reduce inflammation.
Another powerful thing about hemp seeds is they are packed with fiber. They have almost no regular carbohydrates or sugar, but are high in fiber so they naturally help cleanse your colon. These three elements can really help boost your metabolism to support fat loss.
Protein, healthy fats, and fiber. You get those three things in a meal, it’s going to support weight loss. So again, the nutritional profile is high. Also, when you look at hemp seeds, some of the other nutrition facts are impressive, too. It contains 50% your daily requirement of magnesium. Magnesium is critical for relaxing muscles, for proper brain function, for improving digestion, and I have found that magnesium is the number one mineral most people are deficient in today.
Look for Organic Hemp Seeds at you grocery or health food store or online:
More good nutritional news is that 3 tbs. of hemp seeds has 50% your daily value of phosphorous and 25% your daily value of zinc. Zinc is used in repairing a leaky gut. Zinc is important for immune function. So again, hemp seeds in certain regards blow flax seeds and chia seeds out of the water although keep and those items foods in pantry!
To recap. Hemp seeds can help with fat loss. Number two, this is great for people with blood sugar issues or with diabetes. There’s virtually no carbs. We know, that the fiber, the protein, the fat, all slow glucose absorption. This is also great for people who need to pack on muscle. It’s good for people who need to build strong bones because of the magnesium. It’s good for people with any sort of brain issue, who have trouble sleeping or may be struggling with depression or anxiety. All of those things, all of those ways are why hemp seeds can benefit the body.
Here’s how I recommend using it. Every morning when you wake up for breakfast, consume a super foods smoothie. One cup of berries, a little bit of coconut milk, maybe some collagen or organic protein powder, and then three tablespoons of hemp seeds.
By doing that super foods smoothie in the morning, you’re getting some great nutritional support, especially from the hemp seeds.
You can also do some organic yogurt or kefir. Sprinkle a little bit of raw honey and hemp seeds on top. And also I use hemp seeds in baking. A lot of times I’ve done a grouper crusted fish. And so I’ll bread chicken and fish using hemp seeds as well and cook it up in coconut oil or bake it in the oven. Those are awesome, great ways you can start to use hemp seeds.
So again, hemp seeds, a nutritional powerhouse. One serving, that’s three tablespoons contains 10 grams of protein, 3,000 milligrams of omega-3 fatty acids, 25% your daily value of zinc and 50% your daily value of magnesium.
Hemp seeds really are one of nature’s number one super foods.
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