The Importance of Nutritional Sulfur in the Human Diet
Aug 13th, 2013 by Aldouspi

The Importance of Nutritional Sulfur in the Human Diet

Eggs – Source of Sulfur! by .Larry Page

As we age, our skin begins to wrinkle and droop some, and our joints and muscles get a little less supple and harder to stretch. We probably simply put this off as normal aging, but it is also obvious that not everybody ages at the same rate. So why do we age at dissimilar rates, and will there be anything we can do to rig the game? Some of it is indeed genetic, but one can find nutrients that we are able to make certain are in our diet to help us age more gradually.

One of those minerals that can help us remain youthful that does not get a great deal of hype is sulfur. Our connective tissue and cartilage which are necessary to form durable joints contain proteins with supple sulfur bonds, which give them their needed overall flexibility. Sulfur is known to repair and heal this connective tissue, and also helps in the manufacture of proteins for the formation of muscle.

This isn’t saying you’ll get supple through diet alone; overall flexibility and sense of balance exercise such as we get through yoga are necessary. In fact, probably the main reason we got to the inflexible place we are when we age is because we were not as vigorous as in our youth. But using a 3-prong line of attack, with strength and flexibility exercises along with diet that has the required nutrients can in fact turn our lives around physically.

Sulfur and Hair Loss

One of the important minerals the hair needs is sulfur. Often called as the “beauty mineral,” sulfur makes up for 0.25% of the total body weight, making it the third most abundant mineral in the body. Sulfur bonds help maintain the shape of proteins and regulate the biological activity of these proteins. For this reason, sulfur content is high in hair and nails, which are basically both made of hard protein called keratin.

Therefore, when there is a lack of sulfur, hair loss can ensue. Sulfur not only gives strength to you hair, but also adds luster and stimulates hair growth by improving blood circulation to the scalp.

Sulfur in addition takes on many additional significant roles, such as:

1. Normalizing insulin function. Insulin can’t carry out its normal biological function without sulfur. It forms sulfur bridges between the amino acid chains within the insulin molecule.

2. Converting vitamin-1 and biotin. This is necessary to convert carbohydrates into energy.

3. Liver detoxification. Increasing your intake of sulfur is going to augment the production of bile, that is certainly a necessary function for getting rid of poisons and detoxifying the liver.

4. Collagen synthesis. Along with helping connective tissue and assisting in supple joints and muscle tissue, as described above, it is essential for good nails, skin and hair.

Obviously it is very important that we get sufficient sulfur in our diet plan, if not naturally through foods than through supplementation. Within our diet we get sulfur just about solely from dietary protein, and fish and meat contain all the amino acids that contain sulfur that the body needs to produce protein. Some additional sources are eggs, olive oil, and coconut oil, along with vegetables cultivated in soil which has sulfur. Healthy vegetable options are wheat germ, garlic, onions Brussels sprouts and asparagus.

Another excellent way to be sure to get your sulfur is actually having a sulfur bath (Epson salt). This is especially good for the skin, as it absorbs the sulfur directly. And one last word on sulfur: when we speak of sulfur that is needed for human digestion we are talking about Methyl-Sulfonyl-Methane sulfur, not ordinary sulfur, also known as sulfur oxide and can be processed into sulfuric acid, and that is poisonous to our body. Clearly you do not want to confuse the two.

About the author: The liver is an incredible organ, and we have many ways to keep it healthy. It plays such a big part in our physical and mental capabilities. Check out our website for more information about keeping weight off, read more about healthy exercise. Rich Carroll is a writer and avid health advocate now living in Chicago.

MSM, One Sulfur Supplement

MSM, short for methylsulfonylmethane, is an important organic sulfur and hot new dietary supplement. Sulfur is an vital element to life and current research points to methylsulfonylmethane as the most important source of organic sulfur for the body. Unfortunately, MSM is extremely rare in most modern western diets.

Methylsulfonylmethane is present in various fresh fruits and vegetables but rapidly deteriorates from almost any type of food processing and just with time. The problem is that most of our diets do not include much if any of these fresh foods. Most of our foods are preserved, cooked, or otherwise processed in a way that destroys methylsulfonylmethane and those rare times that some of us do get fresh, uncooked, and unprocessed fruits or vegetables (such as from a farmer’s market) is simply not a steady or sufficient MSM intake that we need.

MSM For Sale

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