Your Questions About Rubies Drink
Jun 21st, 2011 by Aldouspi

Paul asks…

Are Diabetics suppose to drink the Ruby Red Grapefruit Drink?

I was told by a Friend that her Doctor told her Husband he could not eat or drink Grapefruits, that it could kill him!

admin answers:

Grapefruits are a problem in people taking heart medications. Grapefruits can interfere with the functionality of the medicines. It is not surprising if someone with diabetes also has some high blood pressure problems or be taking “heart medicine.”

Juice also has to be monitored very carefully in people with diabetes. It is all carbs. If it is called a “juice drink ” it has extra added sugar. Check with your doctor to see what medicines you are taking and what restrictions may be required.

Helen asks…

On the grapefruit diet, can you drink ruby red grapefruit juice instead of just grapefruit juice?

admin answers:

The juices are basically the same. Ruby red grapefruit is just variation of grapefruit.

Richard asks…

How often is it ok to drink alcohol?

I just turned 21 and had my first two alcoholic drinks (both of them called ruby relaxers) and they were very good! However, I know that ruby relaxers are sort of diluted because of the pineapple juice. I know that there is more hard-core stuff out there that I haven’t had yet. I’m just wondering how often is it ok for me to have a drink without becoming an alcoholic?

admin answers:

If you drink more than a six pack in a week your considered an alcoholic…

There is no safety area, per se, one drink can be too many, but this is rare. But who know where you are at mentally and physically? One drink could be your Rubicon… Personally the longer I live, the less I drink – basically never now – and the smarter I stay.

Laura asks…

Has anyone ever tried Ruby Reds drink?

i saw an infomercial for it last night, has anyone tried this – does it taste good and did you feel healthier with it, also did your children like it?

admin answers:

Ruby Reds is a nutritional drink which combines vitamins, minerals, freeze-dried fruits & vegetables, probiotic antioxidants & enzymes to support overall health. Tastes pretty good, like a punch drink. This is a powder that you add to water. Does drinking it make me feel healthier? That is so hard to quantify, it is like asking me if taking Vitamin C makes me feel healthier. The point is that it provides a variety of the nutrients are bodies need, so it supports keeping your body healthy.

This could be a good substitute to a traditional glass of orange juice for breakfast – depending upon your children – they should find the taste okay. You can find more info at: or the parent website: They also sell a chocolate supplement called Cocopure which I like, too.

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