Your Questions About Seizures Causes
Jul 11th, 2012 by health

James asks…

seizures ???????? causes?

What can cause someone to randomly die from a seizure?

health answers:

Seizures are typically symptoms of a neurological disorder such as epilepsy and are often attached to developmental diseases like Cerebral Palsy and down syndrome. Seizures can also have emotional triggers and be caused by high fevers.

While usually not fatal on their own, someone having a seizure might choke on their own vomit- air passages need to be kept clear. A long-lasting convulsive seizure – seizure lasting up to 30 minutes can cause serious harm and lead to death.

Carol asks…

Is there a type of strep throat that causes seizures?

My friend told me there was a type of strep throat that causes seizures going around in our area. Is it true? Can a type of strep throat really cause seizures?

health answers:

Generally speaking anyone who believes they have strep throat should be seen by a doctor or other health practitioner. I am not aware of any particular strain of strep throat that causes seizures, but seizures can be caused by high fevers that might accompany an infection.

If you are experiencing a high fever, call your doctor or otherwise seek medical advice.

Daniel asks…

Can anybody tell me if PlayStation one causes seizures? I just found out my bro has epilepsy…

I want to find out about this to ensure his safety. Any other consoles that cause seizures let me know, too!

health answers:

Hi I know of a 29 year old female with epilepsy, who gives this advice:

    All of those types of gaming consoles can cause seizures… but there are some tips to help to avoid them.

  • Make sure you play in a well lit room.
  • Sit further away from the TV or screen.
  • Make sure you take regular breaks.. this one is hard when you are really getting into a game. I set an alarm, and when it goes off, I pause the game no matter what and take a 10 min break.
  • If you are tired DO NOT PLAY!
  • Some games pose more of a risk, if they having flashing parts, etc.
  • The other thing he can try, is to wear an eye patch over one eye as this helps me out. I have no idea why, but someone gave me the tip and I find it helps.

Not all epileptics are photo-sensitive though, so it might not be that he is affected at all, but he should follow the guidelines above to be on the safe side. Spend time playing games with him and observe…

Richard asks…

What could cause a bad sense of disorientation in the eyes that also causes seizures once in a while?

I get very disoriented sometimes in my right eye and partially in my left. It happens during odd times. Changes in light and such, patterns on the ground. It has happened while I was driving and all I can do is stop. If I try to continue to drive, I veer in one direction.

When this happens, I always have a feeling like someone’s on my right (not necessarily in a car). One thing I try to do when this happens is close my eyes and relax. It goes away 60% of the time, but sometimes it ends with a seizure. Also, when this happens and I do close my eyes, it’s pitch black. I don’t see the usual small bit of reddish light you normally see when you close your eyes in normal daylight or artificial light. When and if it goes away, it takes a few minutes to regain my sense of surroundings. What could be causing this?

health answers:

Seizures should never be taken lightly, but you mention them as if they are commonplace… have you already been diagnosed with a seizure disorder?

This sounds potentially serious and you need to get evaluated by a neurologist soon. The response to lights and patterns does suggest epilepsy, but there could be something else triggering these episodes.

Mark asks…

What causes a parakeet to have Seizures?

My Budie acts perfectly healthy and happily chittering and peeping and doing whatever birds do. Then he will have what look like a seizure – he falls off the perch and his body twists and he flutters and stays perfectly still. After about a minute or two, he is ok again. This has happened multiple times and we have taken him to the vet ho does not have an answer, So can some one please tell me what causes these seizure like spasms and does this mean he is very sick?

health answers:

Seizures in birds can happen for many reasons, including illness, brain injury, tumor, toxins, excessive heat, etc.

Here’s a link with a comprehensive list of possible causes:

Good luck to you and you bird.

Answers provided are not medical advice – you should always consult your doctor. Powered by Yahoo! Answers

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