Intimate Questions that Women Want Answered about Their Man’s Vasectomy
Jan 10th, 2011 by Aldouspi

Intimate Questions that Women Want Answered about Their Man’s Vasectomy

Permanent contraception like a vasectomy is a serious decision that both the man and the woman should consider together. Men have problems with a needle, blade or anything else coming near their “man parts” while a woman looks more at the global picture considering the procedure, recovery and even how sex is affected.

While a vasectomy is a male sterilization technique, that doesn’t mean that the women involved are not going to want more information about it. In fact, sometimes it is the women who are more apprehensive about their men getting the procedure done. Therefore, here are some answers to some of the most intimate questions that women may have:

1. Will a man’s sex drive and even performance be affected by a vasectomy? First of all, a vasectomy does not alter a man’s body chemistry so hormones which rev or wan the sex drive are not affected. The intensity, length of time and even the quality of a man’s orgasm doesn’t really change nor does the ejaculation process. Semen even looks the same in color and consistency, only there are no “little pregnancy-causing swimmers” in it.

2. How long will it take before the man can have sex again after the vasectomy? Typically, doctors request that men wait up to two weeks before resuming any sex life. This gives the area time to rest, have swelling reduced and bruising go away. Of course, men and women have to realize that it takes time for the sperm to stop appearing in the semen, so alternate birth control methods needs to be used until such time the doctor says it is safe without it.

The men will still produce sperm but the vasectomy prevents the transportation of it to the semen. Therefore, the body eventually learns to absorb the sperm produced by the testes.

3. Will the man bear a noticeable scar? Most men and their mates do not see any scar or notice any differences in how the scrotum area looks and feels. In fact, the procedure itself it relatively simple with not much pain.

4. What can the man expect right after the procedure? While not excruciating, men do experience discomfort at least the first day of two after the surgery. A sense of discomfort and possibly even a little swelling will occur. It will take about a week for the dull achiness in the area to fade away. Rest, loose pants and underwear, pain reliever and an ice pack will work wonders during the recovery process.

5. Is there an age cut-off for men considering a vasectomy such as being too young? Many doctors hesitate performing a vasectomy on someone young, say younger than 25 to 30 years of age. Men may say they do not want to father a child and then they meet someone who they would want a child with. However, most doctors feel that by around age 30, men pretty much know what they want out of life, particularly when it comes to procreating. Each case is considered on an individual basis.

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