Why Do We Need Calcium
Jan 10th, 2011 by Aldouspi

Why Do We Need Calcium?

Calcium, like other vitamins works on a team of nutrients in order to supply the proper functioning of your body. There are several that state that you should take several products in order to get the required amount of calcium. There have been large and frequent debates in order to find the right amount of calcium that is needed in order to maintain the right amount of health throughout your lifetime. Before excessively taking the certain foods that provide calcium, you should look into why you need calcium, as well as find the best resources for the supplement.

Calcium is best known in strengthening bones and joints throughout your body. It also helps with the proper functioning of both blood and cells in their strength in your body. There are several throughout the nation that are known to have severe problems with all of these functioning. This is reflected through the high amount of elder people who are struggling with problems such as osteoporosis and progostrone, especially after the age of 50. It is becoming known that around twenty-five percent of Americans are suffering from large amounts of loss in bone density after the age of fifty, showing that the amounts of calcium people should be taking is not near enough of what is required.

There are recommended amounts of calcium that are said to be needed every day in order to prevent weak bones and problems later on in life. From the ages of one to ten, children should be taking around 1,200 milligrams of calcium per day. After the age of ten, and up to twenty-five, you should be taking around 1,500 milligrams of calcium per day. After this point, you can decrease your amounts of calcium to around 1,000 milligrams per day. This is because bone density usually grows during youth and young adult years. After this, this density needs to be maintained by providing calcium as a nutrient.

There are few sources where calcium is found as a supplement. There are several ways that you can supplement this with the use of vitamins of pure calcium or through a multi-vitamin that will give some intake. Calcium is also known to be a high source in milk, cheese and yogurt. For those interested in a non-dairy product that has calcium, you can look into broccoli as a source. Within each of these, there are required amounts that you can take every day, all which will help your calcium increase.

Calcium, like other vitamins is incredibly important in helping certain functioning of your body. By having the right amount of calcium in your body, you will be able to have stronger bone density, as well as secondary help with other parts of your body. By knowing where to find calcium, knowing how much to take, and understanding the importance of calcium intake, you can help your body for a stronger and longer life. Calcium is an essential ingredient that works side by side with other vitamins in order to ensure a balance and proper functioning throughout your body.

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