Things to know about condoms
Nov 29th, 2012 by Aldouspi

by dcdan

Condom plays a very important role in preventing unwanted pregnancies; protect peoples from sexually transmitted diseases and safeguarding them from deadly disease like AIDS. It is advised to couples always go for using condoms for sexual relationships until your relationship is monogamous. Condoms are needed to be used carefully and you need to know how to use a condom in order to use it effectively because condom acts as a barrier path for the semen. There are basically two types of condoms for male condom and female condom .The male condom is placed on the erect penis of male and then rolled down. A small room at the top is left behind so that the semen after ejaculation can collect there. The female condom is inserted into the female vagina such that the close ring goes under and the other ring forms the open end.

Tips to use condom

• Go for water based lubricants or latex condoms
• See that the condoms are not expired
• See the expiry date of the condom
• Now avoid storing it in the heat and petroleum fumes rather than storing in cool and dry places.
• When you want to open it, avoid using any sharp device such as knife, blade and scissors as it could damage condoms. Moreover, avoid opening it with your mouth. Simply tear it off with your hands gently.
• The use of Non-Oxynol 9 condoms is highly discouraged nowadays.
• Do not use any other lubricant like oil or cream with it.
• Dispose it properly after it is used
• Women can wear the condoms from different positions either by lying down on bed or just in sitting position according to their convenient.
• Men need to eject the condoms slowly after the ejaculation to avoid any slip.
• While females need to eject condoms more accurately so that sperm could fell inside the vagina during ejecting the condoms

Advantages of using a condom:

There are numerous advantages of using a types of condoms some of the recommended advantages are noted below.

• Prevent unwanted pregnancies
• Protect the spread of Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) like AIDS etc.
• Simple and easy to use
• Women don’t have to take contraceptive pills.
• They are easily available and no prescription is required for their usage.

A person should take all the preventive measure to avoid anything like that happening to you. It can happen that a condom can break, at that time do not panic and always consult a doctor whenever possible.

Rinki rawat provide in this article about types of condom and expired condoms. Also get more information to condoms to visit Onlymyhealth care website.

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