Tuina and Acupuncture – Two Techniques Can Work Better than One
Sep 24th, 2010 by Aldouspi

Tuina and Acupuncture: Two Techniques Can Work Better than One

If you regularly receive acupuncture treatment, or are considering doing so, you may also wish to ask your medical doctor or acupuncturist about the benefits of another kind of Traditional Chinese Medicine-Tuina. Much like the Western World’s ideas of massage, Tuina uses kneading, rubbing, and pressure to help create a healthier body. This technique of healing works in much of the same way as acupuncture. Many professional acupuncturists are also skilled in the medical art of Tuina, so if this is the case, you may wish to schedule an appointment for this different kind of treatment in conjunction with your normal acupuncture routine.

Tuina has been practiced in China for thousands of years and finds its roots in acupuncture. Many of the same concepts apply-Tuina is focused on the application of pressures or stipulations at specific points on the body, called meridians. By doing so, the acupuncturist is said by advocates to have helped normalize your qi, or vital bodily energy. By regulating and normalizing the flow of qi in our bodies, we create a healthier environment for our body’s organs and systems, which, in turn, helps our bodies release pain and heal more quickly.

At a typical Tuina session, you may see many similarities to a massage session. You should wear loose and comfortable clothing for Tuina and usually are asked to remove you shoes so as to be more comfortable and create less qi obstruction. Your acupuncturist may warm the skin, use lubricants and compresses, or mix a traditional Chinese herb tea for you drink. These techniques help facilitate the healing process. Many different acupressure techniques may be used to help your acupuncturist treat your body. The techniques he or she use often depend on how he or she was taught-for example, some acupuncture schools teach a deep tissue massaging technique that feels much like a typical Western massage. Others, on the other hand, teach a single finger pressure technique in which acupuncturists learn to apply stimulation with one finger to specific points on their patient’s body. You may employ this technique on yourself without even realizing it. For example, if you’ve ever rubbed your temples to temporarily relieve a headache, you’ve used acupressure, or Tuina.

Tuina is not right for every situation. Open sores on the body, for example, make this treatment less possible. While this method of treatment works for some, it cannot help everyone. It is important to remember that Tuina is meant to actively treat the body, not relax or sedate, as a massage does. Talk with your medical professional more about this form of Traditional Chinese Medicine to learn if it could be right for you.

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