Books about Essential Oils
Jul 7th, 2010 by AldouspiE

Books about Essential Oils

The subject of essential oils is an extremely complex one. Besides the fact that there are hundreds of plant extracts involved, there are issues like safety to be concerned with. Most people beginning to become more familiar with essential oils will want to do some reading.

There is a book called the Essential Oils Desk Reference. The third edition is out now. The book is compiled by Essential Science Publishers. This volume would seem to be an encyclopedic work on everything there is to know about essential oils.

It does, in fact, have information on all the basic facts of the subject. These include a long list of ailments they can help, where the oils come from, and how they are to be used. What the name doesn’t tell you is that it refers most often to a particular brand of essential oils called Young Living.

The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy: over 600 Natural, Non-Toxic and Fragrant Recipes to Create Health – Beauty – a Safe Home Environment is a book by Valerie Ann Worwood. This author is a researcher in the field who runs an aromatherapy clinic. Her book describes recipes for uses of all kinds. These include medicinal, cosmetic, and cooking with essential oils. If you simply want a book that tells you how to use and combine essential oils, this is a good one.

At least one book is aimed at the medical profession. One such book is called Essential Oils Integrative Medical Guide: Building Immunity, Increasing Longevity, and Enhancing Mental Performance with Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils. This book, by Dr. Gary Young goes into the science of essential oils.

It discusses research being done in the field. It also explains the chemical properties of the oils and how the body reacts to them. He goes on to explain just how these substances are used in medical situations. It is a book designed for doctors that is also enlightening for lay people.

Robert Tisserand, who wrote the first English language books on essential oils, along with Tony Balacs, wrote an important book on the safe use of essential oils. It is titled Essential Oil Safety: a Guide for Health Care Professionals. The book is full of information about the essential oils.

Some are toxic in certain amounts and to certain people, like children and pregnant women. It discusses how long the substances stay in the system and what effects they are likely to cause. It also recommends safe levels of use.

A book titled simply 375 Essential Oils was written by Jeanne Rose. It discusses the plants used to make essential oils. It explains how their botanical names are derived. It goes on to discuss the 375 oils in detail. It also gives a history of the use of these substances.

Of course, there are all sorts of books out there for medical professionals and lay people alike. Anyone who wants to learn more about essential oils can find information to help them in one of the many books that are available. The more you know about essential oils, the more they can help you in your everyday life.

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