Alcohol, Smoking and Erectile Dysfunction
Mar 12th, 2011 by Aldouspi

Alcohol, Smoking and Erectile Dysfunction

Alcohol is a commonly used drug and is socially accepted in most societies. Men especially think nothing of having up to 2 drinks per day on average.

Currently 17.6 million adult Americans are considered to be problem drinkers. There are many serious consequences associated with alcohol abuse including alcohol related vehicle crashes, and health related risks such as an increase risk for liver, esophagus, throat or larynx cancer from drinking too much alcohol. Heavy drinking can also cause liver brain damage, cirrhosis, fetal alcohol syndrome and erectile dysfunction.

Alcoholism is a disease that has symptoms just like any other disease.

The symptoms of alcoholism are:

  • A strong compulsion to drink.

  • The inability to limit drinking to just one drink.

  • Withdrawal symptoms are experienced, if alcohol use is stopped.

  • There is a need to drink greater amounts of alcohol to obtain the same level of “high”.

Alcoholics have an uncontrollable craving for alcohol. It is this craving that destroys all sensibility concerning their drinking.

Alcohol has an adverse affect on:

  • Aging – as people grow older it takes less alcohol to have the same effect because they become more sensitive to the effect of alcohol.

  • Certain medical conditions like diabetes, and high blood pressure can worsen when alcohol is present.

  • Certain prescription, over the counter and herbal remedies can be dangerous, if taken with alcohol. Aspirin can cause bleeding in the stomach and intestines, which increases when alcohol is taken. Antihistamines can make individuals sleepy when taking them and alcohol will intensify this sleepiness. Acetaminophen which is a painkiller can increase the risk of liver damage when large doses of the painkiller are taken with alcohol.

    Some medications have a high alcohol content in them including cough syrups and laxatives. Taking more alcohol on top of these medications can be dangerous.

Studies have shown that alcohol abuse in men can impair testosterone production and shrink testes. The process of breaking down alcohol in the body can interfere with normal sperm structure and sperm movement.

Alcoholics have a difficult time attracting sexual partners because of their problems, personal issues and unattractiveness when drunk, so this can affect their chance for sexual encounters. And when they do have a partner, they may be too stressed out from the problems alcohol causes in their life, to be able to function.

Alcohol can impair judgment, coordination and reaction time, all-important when it comes to movement and bodily functions.

All of these affects that alcohol has on the body can impair a man’s ability to function sexually.

Smoking affects the flow of blood in our veins and arteries. Smoking can also build up plaque on the inner lining of our arteries. This obstructs the flow of blood needed for erection.

A study regarding smoking and erectile dysfunction, reported by the American Heart Association’s annual Conference on Cardiovascular Disease and Epidemiology and Prevention, in 2003 reported that men who went through 20 or more cigarettes a day had 60% higher risk for ED compared to non-smoking men.

Men who are former smokers have a 30% risk for ED as compared to nonsmokers.

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