A Guide To Argan Oil
Feb 25th, 2012 by Aldouspi

A Guide To Argan Oil

By Indy M

Argan Tree

by ryantron. under CC BY-ND  with wpseopix.com
From Argan Trees Comes Argan Oil


Argan oil comes from the Argan tree which grows in Morocco. Argan oil was traditionally used for a variety of purposes due to its inherent medicinal and nutritive properties. The argan tree can grow to about 30 feet high and they are very long lived trees, with some estimates pointing to a 200 year lifespan. It has leaves and flowers that are small and its trunk is rather thorny.

The fruit contains the seeds which contains argan oil. It takes a whole year for the fruit to ripen. The environment where this tree thrives is rather dry (semi-desert conditions). At one time, the argan tree flourished throughout Northern Africa, today they are only found in Morocco. This makes argan oil one of the rarest natural oils on the market and this is reflected in the higher than usual (as far as natural oils are concerned) prices normally associated with argan based products.

The argan tree is also an endangered species and is protected by UNESCO. Argan oil today is harvested via a machine press for use in cosmetics or for consumption.

This natural oil is very rich in Vitamin E (Tocopherols), unsaturated fatty acids, squalenes and phenols. It also has a higher oxidative stability index than olive oil. This means it lasts longer.

The oil itself can be used for dipping bread or in salads. A form of peanut butter can be produced by grinding argan oil with almonds. It is said to be a local Moroccan delicacy. However, it is particularly prized in the skin care industry and is seen as a natural emollient. It is seen as anti aging, anti wrinkle and can help with eczema, dermatitis, dry scalp and is mainly used as a moisturizer.

All argan seeds and oils sold on the market have a portion of the profits go to the women of the Moroccan Berber tribe. The money is used mainly for health care and educating young women.

Before modern methods of oil extraction, the kernel had to be ground by hand before use. Interestingly enough, collection of the kernels weren’t exactly conducted by humans but by goats. Goats reared by the people of the region would regularly consume the seeds. The seeds however, would pass through their digestive system unharmed. As such, the seeds were commonly collected from goat dung, back in the day.

Generally speaking, the argan tree is quite a durable and long lived organism with a lifespan easily surpassing a hundred years of age. It is thought that the reasons for their slow destruction in NOrth Africa is due to overgrazing by herbivorous animals living in that region as well as their use as wood.

With the efforts of UNESCO, argan oil has become an important commodity especially for use in the cosmetics industry. A tight partnership between UNESCO, tribesmen of the region and individuals seeking to save this ancient tree species has lead to the creation of a reserve which numbers more than twenty five thousand acres in land size. Grazing is carefully controlled with an outright ban four months out of the year.

The argan fruit itself yields very little oil. So little in fact that it take upwards of thirty kilos of the fruit to extract only about a liter of the oil. However, with modern press technology and careful preservation of the environment, argan oil is becoming increasingly viable. As demand for the substance grows, it is thought that the tree would become commercially important enough to warrant aggressive preservation methods in the future.

For a closer look at argan oil, come visit us.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Indy_M —- http://EzineArticles.com/?Argan-Oil-Guide&id=6846239

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