Dead Sea Salt For Sale
Oct 27th, 2011 by Aldouspi

Dead Sea Salt For Sale

Below you will find several Dead Sea Salt products, but first you may want to read a bit about this amazing salt…
dead sea salt

Magic of Dead Sea Salt Baths

By: Michele Olewiler

Sometimes when we locate an ancient remedy, we learn our ancestors were way ahead of us on the subject of natural cures. The use of a Dead Sea salt bath is truly one of these cures. The salt from the Dead Sea is leading to a completely new technique to cure many different skin disorders and also muscular aches and pains.

The unusual properties of a sea salt bath with salt collected from the Dead Sea is not something new, just one more piece of unappreciated traditional knowledge which is, at the moment, being rediscovered due to its outstanding advantages. The idea originally gained popularity among the “alternative remedies” crowd, however right now the main stream is finally acknowledging Dead Sea salt’s uncommon attributes.

In the ancient world, you had to either be a king or queen or settle right next to the Dead Sea itself, to experience the healing benefits of a sea salt bath with Dead Sea salt. In recent years, if you did not have some sort of connection or the cash for luxury health spa treatments, you were merely out of luck. Luckily for us, things have changed, and Dead Sea salt is accessible to everybody.

The particular mineral content of this Dead Sea water is absolutely not like regular sea water. Actually, almost all the “salts” are in reality not sodium chloride, but various other minerals which happen to have stronger health benefits to the bather. Generally that which you normally call salt only accounts for about 6% of the mineral content with a significant part being magnesium chloride and potassium chloride.

In order to obtain the benefits of a sea salt bath and its curing powers on psoriasis, eczema, or for just muscle aches and pains, it’s vital that you select the right salt for the bath. Only real, unprocessed sea salt which comes from the Dead Sea, preferably the Adovia region, will do the job for you. And having enough in your water is also important. Four lbs per tub is the standard amount suggested.

Don’t attempt to do this with kitchen table salt since it’s high sodium chloride content can in fact have very unwanted effects on your body, which includes increasing your hypertension and drying the skin out. Using the correct salts will in reality give you skin a softer and much more supple feel to it.

These types of baths also provide an incredible impact on arthritis discomfort, rheumatism and aching muscles. The advantages had been so highly regarded in Ancient times that Cleopatra actually seized control over the body of water to ensure her people had private access to it. Those people that visited would take home as much of the mineral deposits as they could possibly carry.

Why don’t you give this premium bath salt a go? The very fact that it’s no longer restricted to just the rich and powerful doesn’t lessen it’s amazing effects any; just means they are available to the people at large. Get your taste of the good life.

Information provided is not medical advice – you should always consult your doctor.

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Dead Sea Salt For Sale

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Dead Sea Salt For Sale

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