Prostate Cancer Your Chance of Getting it
Nov 3rd, 2010 by Aldouspi

Prostate Cancer Your Chance of Getting it

Every man has a 1 in 10 chance of being diagnosed with prostate cancer. In the United States there are over 200,000 men being diagnosed with prostate cancer every year. What your chances of being one of them this year?

Men are concerned about getting prostate cancer because prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in men.

If you are a man and concerned about getting prostate cancer, you should know what your risk factors are for getting the disease.

Researchers do not know the exact cause of prostate cancer, but they have been able to identify some of the risk factors for getting the disease.

As men age, the risk of getting prostate cancer increases. The majority of prostate cancers are diagnosed in men over the age of 65.

If you have a father or brother with prostate cancer, you are 11 times more likely to develop prostate cancer yourself.

African-American men have a 2.4 times higher rate of death from prostate cancer than Caucasian men. Doctors recommend that because of this risk, those men who are African-American should be screened earlier.

Diet is another risk factor for prostate cancer. Studies show that men on the Western diet have higher rates of prostate cancer than men living in the Far Eastern countries like China and Japan. The Western diet consists of less fruits and vegetables and more saturated fats and meat products.

Studies also show that men who are obese have a higher rate of death from prostate cancer.

Men have a higher risk for prostate cancer as they age, if they have a family history of prostate cancer, if they are African-American, if they eat a Western diet, and if they are obese. These are the risk factors that men should be aware of if they are concerned about prostate cancer. How does knowing what the risk factors for prostate cancer affect your health if you are a man? The answer is simple, if you are a man and know that you have some risk factors such as being over age 65, or you are obese, or have a dad or brother with prostate cancer, or are of African-American heritage you will be careful about getting early screenings for prostate cancer and making any necessary dietary changes that may lessen your risk like staying away from saturated fats, decreasing your meat consumption and eating more fruits and vegetables.

Knowing that you have a high risk for prostate cancer can let a man know that he should not only be careful about his diet but also make a better effort to see his doctor on a regular basis so early signs of prostate cancer can be detected and treatment can be started early on when he will have a better survival rate.

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