Different Ways to Protect Your Prostate
Sep 22nd, 2010 by Aldouspi

Different Ways to Protect Your Prostate

Every man should understand how to protect and keep his prostate healthy because prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death among males. There are different ways to protect your prostate including diet, lifestyle changes and keeping regular medical screening appointments.

The prostate gland lies between the penis and the rectum and is at the base of the bladder. Males all know that the prostate is an important gland because it secretes a fluid that lubricates the urethra (the canal that carries the urine and the semen) and also protects the sperm as it exits the urethra.

This prostate gland will enlarge starting at puberty and then again in the twenties until it is the size of a walnut. Midlife hormonal changes can cause the prostate to grow significantly and prostate problems can result such as inflammation and prostate cancer. These prostate problems can occur at any age to any male.

Spasms and infection can enlarge the prostate and cause it to squeeze or press against the neck of the bladder, which results in sexual dysfunction and urinary symptoms. An inflamed prostate is relatively easy to treat with antibiotics, muscle relaxants, plenty of rest and possibly urinary antiseptics. If the man develops prostatic hypertrophy or prostate cancer the treatment is a little more involved.

If BPH is mild or moderate the treatment is simple and noninvasive but if the symptoms are severe treatment may include laser, microwave, or traditional surgery to remove part of the prostate.

Because there is no definite cause as determined yet by researchers for prostate protecting oneself against prostate problems is tricky. The best protection is to have regular yearly screenings that involve a digital rectal examination (DRE) and a PSA. These two tests are the most commonly run tests to help doctors detect early prostate problems including prostate cancer.

One study shows that eating a diet that consists of tomatoes, pomegranate juice, and skinless chicken and avoiding red meat and saturated fats can help to protect your prostate. Other dietary positives when it comes to protecting the prostate are fish oil (Omega-3 fatty acids), foods with lycopene, selenium, and drinking green tea. Another study showed that orange and yellow vegetables cut the risk of prostate recurrence in half for those who previously were diagnosed with prostate conditions. Orange and yellow vegetables include carrots, cruciferous vegetables, broccoli, yams, and squash.

The Canadian Cancer Society suggests that early testing, monitoring your prostate health by a medical professional, a proper diet and an active health style are all important things that men can do to protect their prostate against prostate cancer.

If you are at high risk for prostate conditions such as being of African ancestry, if you have a poor diet, especially if it has been high in animal fat and low in fresh fruits and vegetables, or you have a family history of prostate cancer, or are inactive or obese it is important that you talk to your doctor about improving your lifestyle, diet and activity level in order to protect your prostate. There isn’t much you can do about your age; your ancestry or your family history but you can take steps to improve your diet, and your activity level. You can also make a point to get tested on a yearly bases for prostate conditions especially if you have risk factors.

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