Wanting to Be an Acupuncturist…
Oct 7th, 2010 by Aldouspi

Wanting to Be an Acupuncturist…

Most children in the United States, when asked what they want to be when they grow up, reply “Teacher!” or “Firefighter!” or even “Doctor!” with enthusiasm. Rarely (if ever) does a child say that he or she wants to be an acupuncturist. However, this field is becoming more and more popular as a profession, since the popularity of acupuncture treatment is increasing. ‘

Once a job position that was filled only with traditional Chinese practitioners, anyone can become an acupuncturist with the correct training. In fact, many doctors and nurses are finding that it is crucial to become knowledgeable in this medical art, since high numbers of patients are seeking this form of treatment in conjunction with Western forms of treatment.

State requirements vary in regards to legally becoming an acupuncturist. Patients realize that there are many risks to visiting unlicensed acupuncturists, so, although some older acupuncturists may have thoroughly studied the art, perhaps even in China, they generally find they have less business than licensed practitioners. In some places, unlicensed practice is illegal.
Generally, you must graduate from an Oriental School of Medicine with a Master’s degree in acupuncture and pass a licensing exam in order to practice acupuncture. Some states require a bachelor’s degree as well, but, again, state laws vary greatly on this issue. This type of program will require a minimum of 3 1/2 years in most cases and those pursuing licensing will find the training is rigorous and based in practical experience and memorization.

Look for a school that is accredited, as many programs on acupuncture may be offered from other schools as well. Most states require a degree from an accredited school before allowing you to take the licensing exam.

If you have graduated with honors from an accredited acupuncturist program, you should find that the licensing exam is merely a culmination of your schooling. To prepare for the licensing exam, you should study everything you have been taught by your professors. Think of it as the bar exam for acupuncturists.

Once you have your license, you can begin practicing. At this point, you have the choice of starting your own business or joining an existing acupuncture business. Earning potential is very high in this field, since there is a large demand for acupuncturists in the United States. This makes it a very attractive profession for many.

Becoming an acupuncturist is not easy. However, with a little hard work and dedication, it is very possible to become licensed and have a successful career. If you are thinking about joining the acupuncturist profession, speak with some acupuncturists to learn about the procedures involved. This may be just the job for you – research it further to find out.

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