Knowing the Beneficial HDL Cholesterol
Sep 29th, 2010 by Aldouspi

Knowing the Beneficial HDL Cholesterol

High Density Lipoprotein (HDL cholesterol) is a substance that is used to transport cholesterol in our bloodstreams. HDL cholesterol picks up the extra LDL cholesterol (low density lipoproteins) that our bodies contain and takes it back to our liver where it is then expelled from our bodies. It is actually healthy for you to have a high HDL cholesterol level. Certain medications and healthy lifestyle habits can decrease your LDL cholesterol (the bad cholesterol) by increasing your HDL cholesterol.

Cholesterol is found in our body cells and when it is being transported in the bloodstream. Cholesterol, as a fat, actually separates itself from the blood, but is protected by proteins that form a shell around the cholesterol called, “cholesterol complex”.

That protein linked to the cholesterol is called a lipoprotein. The way to tell a good cholesterol (HDL) from a bad one (LDL) is what is inside, in other words, what type of lipoprotein it is.

When there is too much LDL cholesterol in the bloodstream it can collect in the cells of our arteries and form plaque. When plaque becomes dislodged it can break off as a clot and when it is in an artery leading to the brain, that clot can cause a stroke. When a clot is in the artery leading to the heart it can lead to a heart attack.

To help you remember which cholesterol is good and thus desirable to have high levels of it, remember that the word high begins with an H and the HDL cholesterol begins with an H too. To help remember which cholesterol is healthier for us to have lower levels of remember that LDL begins with L and lower begins with L; therefore LDL is the cholesterol we want to be lower, so it must be the “bad cholesterol”.

If your cholesterol tests come back that your HDL is low and we know that it is desirable to have the HDL cholesterol to be high than you need to elevate your HDL. There are a few ways that are known to elevate your HDL. These ways to increase HDL cholesterol include: losing weight, stop smoking tobacco products, begin and maintain moderate daily exercise, and practice moderate alcohol consumption or avoid drinking alcohol.

Your doctor may also prescribe medications that are known to raise your HDL cholesterol levels such as statins, fibrates, and nicotinic acid. Estrogen is also known to elevate HDL cholesterol.

Many individuals that are overweight or obese have high triglycerides and low HDL cholesterol. It is often found that when you lose weight, it is often enough to raise your HDL cholesterol levels.

Studies have shown that not only does exercising frequently raises your HDL as well as exercising for longer periods of time, or harder (within reason), all contribute to raising our HDL cholesterol level.

The first step in the plan to raise HDL cholesterol level is often to make lifestyle changes such as proper nutrition, exercising on a regular basis and to stop smoking cigarettes or to stop drinking alcoholic beverages.

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