The female condom is a kind of thin sheath used by a woman during sexual intercourse. It is physically worn inside the vagina. The effectiveness of female condoms is considered to be greater than more well-known male condom. This is important for preventing pregnancy and the stopping of any sexual diseases being transmitted. Let us look at the facilities of using female condoms:
They save ladies from sexual diseases.
The risk for getting pregnant is decreased.
The success rate for female condom is greater than male condoms. This effectiveness make it more likely to be used.
Having your own supply of female condom also helps you in sharing the responsibility with your partner and puts your reproductive safety in your hands. You can be sure of the use of birth control, if your partner is without a male condom.
Female condoms are available in more or less every drug store and online. You can buy them over the counter without a prescription.You can easily carry a female condom in your bag without any risk obviously.
It is medically proven that using female condom does not create any issues in family planning – When you are ready to start trying for a baby, don’t put the female condom on.
Other important things to remember about female condoms
While the reasons for using female condoms are obvious, note that they do cost more than male condoms – but they are vastly cheaper than being pregnant or catching a disease.
Make sure that you read the packet carefully before buying the condom. If you find any kind of irritation you must consult with a physician immediately. Using female condoms during periods is not recommended.
You should be conscious of the quality of the condoms and their manufacturing dates expiration dates before using. Practice putting the female condoms inside the vagina, before you really need to use it. If you feel it is torn the condom while putting it in, remove it and use a new condom.
Female condoms can prevent pregnancy, help prevent the transmission of diseases and allow you to be in control of safe sex practices during times of intimacy.
Find more information on types of condoms and condoms for women at Onlymyhealth.