A Key To Health: Learning to Love Water
Dec 28th, 2010 by Aldouspi

Love Water

A Key To Health: Learning to Love Water

Many of us have heard that we need to drink certain amounts of water, or substances with a large amount of water in them every day. Following are some of the reasons why we should drink certain amounts of water every day.

Water is used for several reasons in relation to what the body needs. The first of these is to act as a cleansing system for the body. Because water is a liquid, it is able to move nutrients into the right areas of the body. It is also able to move waste out of the body. Without enough water in your system, these different functions become imbalanced or are unable to happen.

The second reason why we should love water is important is because it keeps different parts of your body “tuned up.” Joints are able to move more easily, which may eventually prevent arthritis or pain in your bones. Water moves into other tissue, providing more flexibility and better functioning in different areas. Water is also important because it can move into the digestive tract. While here, it moves different substances through your body, making it easier for your body to digest and move nutrients where needed.

Because our bodies are made up around seventy percent water, it is important to get the right amount of water in our system. And wee need to keep this balance – as we lose water, we need to replenish what is lost. This is especially important, if you are exercising a lot or doing strenuous activities. For the most active amongst us and during the hottest weather, we can loose up to three quarts of water every day. It is important to balance this out by putting water back in our systems.

If you don’t have enough water in your system, there certain signs you will notice as your body reacts to this condition. Your mouth may become dry, your digestive system will not act normally and you may feel dizzy or light-headed. If dehydration becomes too severe, you can pass out and may have to be hospitalized in order to get water moving back through your system.

It is said that we can go between seven to ten days without water; but that is under extreme conditions. It is recommended that you drink between six and eight glasses of water per day at minimum.

Keeping track of how much water you drink, and making sure that you are receiving enough water every day is important for your health. Water is one of the main ingredients necessary for the body in order to regulate everything in relation to it. Because of this, always make sure that you are getting enough water in some form.

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