Avoiding Headache-Stop the Pain Before It Starts!
Feb 21st, 2011 by Aldouspi

If headaches are a regular problem, there are methods of preventing them. Patients have reported success in natural, homeopathic products, relaxation techniques, and aromatherapy.

Aromatherapy may sound a little "out there" but think of how our brain works with the sense of smell. It is logical to believe if a smell can trigger a headache, it may also be effective in preventing them. There are certain aromas that are effective for calming nerves and reducing tension. Soft scents of vanilla and lavender are soothing to the brain. They are found in many bath products for soothing and calming tension and stress. Peppermint oil shows promised with positive results in preventing headaches. Vicks on the forehead was a tried-and-true method of treating severe headaches for many patients in previous years.

Acupuncture is experiencing a surge in popularity to control various physical pains, including headaches. Test results prove it is a legitimate therapy for treating headache pain. Dental pain, nausea and headaches respond favorably to acupuncture treatment. More research and medical studies are needed to prove this is the perfect treatment for headache pain.

Physical exercise is underrated when it comes to preventing headaches. Headaches are often caused by tension and stress and physical exercise is a wonderful way to relieve those problems. Before you begin any form of exercise program, contact your doctor to decide the best way to begin. Exercise helps reduce tension and ease stress. Start slow if you do not already exercise regularly. Take a walk around the block, spend a few minutes on the treadmill, or do some stretching routines. You should not exercise to the point of exhaustion or pain. Listen to your body, it will tell you when enough is enough.

Studies report some headache patients who have chiropractic manipulation have positive results in preventing headaches. Case studies are encouraging for preventing headaches. Complications from chiropractic manipulation may include the possibility of stroke from manipulation of the neck. Each patient should consult with his or her doctor before trying a chiropractic manipulation, especially if you are a patient with high risk factors for stroke.

Herbal remedies, including the use of vitamin B12 and magnesium are effective in preventing headaches in some patients. Results normally do not appear until the patient has taken the supplements for about three months. These homeopathic cures can be taken by injection or orally.

Caffeine containing foods and drinks should be avoided by patients who experience frequent headaches. Switching to caffeine-free soda, coffee, and tea may decrease the frequency of headaches. Again, the importance of keeping a food and headache diary is important in deciding what may trigger your headache!

Preventing headaches may be easier than treating them once they have started. Exercise at least three days a week, and watch your diet. Stay away from foods that trigger headaches and reduce stress and tension in your life. Take a comforting bath with sweet smelling bubble bath or bath salts. Light a candle with a soothing scent and sit back for a few moments with your eyes closed. Relax!

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