Help For Menopausal Symptoms
Hot Flashes – hot flashes can be brought on by hot environments, eating hot or spicy foods, caffeine and stress. Aim to avoid these. It is always useful to wear layers and have a fan in your home or workplace. You will find that regular exercise may also bring your relief. Some women have found that antidepressant medication helps with their hot flashes. Ask your doctor for more information on this.
Vaginal Dryness – you can use an over the counter lubricant. Estrogen replacement creams may be available via prescription. Discuss these with your doctor. If you are using estrogen creams, but experience spotting or bleeding, you should see your doctor.
Sleeping problems – in order to get a good nights sleep, you should aim to get at least 30 minutes of physical activity on most days of the week, although you should avoid a lot of exercise just before bedtime. You should also avoid caffeine, alcohol, large meals and working right up until bedtime.
Drinking something warm such as herbal tea or heated milk before bedtime can be helpful. To help with sleeping at night time, you should avoid napping through the day and keep your bedroom at a comfortable temperature. Keeping a bedtime routine is essential, for example going to bed and getting up at the same time everyday.
Memory problems – you should discuss mental exercises with your doctor to ensure that your memory remains active. In addition, you should aim to get enough sleep and be physically fit.
Mood swings – aim to get enough sleep and remain physically fit. You should ask your doctor about relaxation exercises and the use of antidepressant medication as there is proof that these can be helpful. Consider attending a support group for women who are experiencing similar problems or seek counseling so you can talk your problems and fears over with a trained professional.
It is advisable to track and record your menopausal symptoms that cause you bother. You can then take this with you, when you visit your doctor so patterns can be identified and you can both discuss the best way forward. <
You should stay healthy as you age. Being active and getting at least thirty minutes physical exercise per day on most days of the week is essential. Weight bearing exercises such as walking, running and dancing are advisable. If you are a smoker, you should quite as soon as possible. To achieve this, obtain support via a support network or your doctor.
Diet is important . By eating a variety of healthy foods such as fruits and dark green vegetables, calcium rich foods, whole grain cereals, breads, rice, crackers or pasta, along with lean meats and poultry. Limit your saturated fats and salts.
Always control your weight and limit your alcohol intake to no more than one drink per day. Ask your doctor what tests you require such as cholesterol, high blood pressure and blood sugar and bone density. Request breast examinations.
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