Your Questions About Histrionic Personality Disorder In Men
Sep 30th, 2011 by health

Donna asks…

Anyone have histrionic personality disorder?

I was reading a description of it and think I might have it. I don’t try to seduce men or dress in a revealing way at all but I had most of the signs. How were you diagnosed and how do you cope with and manage it? Thanks!

health answers:

I don’t have it, but you should probably see a therapist of some kind to resolve all of your questions, and help you deal with this throughout your life.
Good luck.

Helen asks…

Dump my Histrionic Personality Disorder woman?

I knew something was fishy about her, but after doing lots of research, I’ve come to the conclusion that she’s Histrionic. Which means that her Personality Disorder causes her to seek out attention, flirt with men, create drama in order to get the attention she craves, and only experiences emotions on a very shallow level (they’re good actors).

I also learned that people with HPD almost never get better. I like her a lot, but if she’s never going to get better, what’s the point? A trained professional told me that less than 1% ever get better. He said they manipulate all their relationships and hardwired to fail at them. In other words: All their relationships fail miserably with time.

Unless any of you shed some light on this, I’m about to dump the woman I like a lot and it sucks.
Kelz: I don’t think you understand. People with this disorder lack empathy. She will not care how I approach her. People with HPD will not allow themselves to see that there’s something wrong with them. EVER!
Iced: Of course she’s not happy, but she’ll never admit it. And no, it is not because of me. This is just how they work. Diagnosed? HPD are rarely diagnosed because they never admit that there’s anything wrong with them.
RL: The problem is this disorder gets worse with time and when they get bored, they’re prone to cheat. I don’t want to be around when that happens.

health answers:

I would

Chris asks…

Anyone heard of HPD? Histrionic personality disorder?

Histrionic personality disorder.

I’m about 90% sure that’s what I have from just researching on the Internet. I understand that self diagnosing isn’t too smart..but I don’t have insurance.. So I don’t know what else to do.

I just read all the synptoms and it sounds like me to a T.

I get bored VERY easily
I have always craved attention.. Usually from men… I am 26,but since I was a teenager I’d always pheen attention from guys! I’ve NEVER had a bunch if GIRL friends, always the boys/guys… Still that’s how it is to this day.

I always dress slutty and love when guys honk at me or whistle.. I like crave it.

I dated a 42 year old and was always doing drugs/drinking with him and didnt leave for 10 months cause the positive attention/party type life that I never got bored of. I finally dumped him when he went to prison and he wasn’t around to give me attention.. But it took 1 week and I felt like I had fallen in love again.. With a traveling carnival guy who was then giving me that same attention.. I actually craved it so much, I uprooted my life and went on the road with the carnival with him… And went back home after a year cause he got severely abusive.

I am now dating a guy I’ve been with for 16 months.. First 6 months were again, amazing!!!! But, He isn’t the drug/drinking type.. He bought us a house and gives me the world.. But for whatever reason, I’m
Craving that party life/attention from scum bags again!! Always having sexual fantasies with other guys.. (my ex’s) Always wanting to spend money and get pets because that’s what makes me happy these days. Still wanting to dress slutty for the guys to honk and whistle at me.

I also always am wanting sympathy!! I’ve tried to break my arm on purpose so I get attention in the ER and from a cast on my arm!

With guys, I also at first act childish,, suck my thumb,whimper,and become clingy.. Wanting to hear them say “Awww, it’s ok baby” “shhhh”

Help!!! What does this all mean?!!

health answers:

I think it means that you have no self-esteem or self-worth, and you depend on the attention of others to make yourself feel better. Probably the only treatment for it is some kind of psychotherapy, but without insurance that’s out.

Mandy asks…

Cant help but to flirt or even sleep with every man i come in contact with? Histrionic personality disorder?

i am very flirty with any man i come in contact with. I often act suggestively and use my womanly charm. i am pretty accepting of the stares and comments i get from men. It is very hard for me to decipher when a man is deemed as off limits but even when i do realize that i have boundaries, i totally disregard them and go in on whats “mine”. Any guy who i am remotely attracted to will be “victim”. These men range from 18-40 years of age (i am 17) and they can be friends boyfriends, my boyfriends friends, my moms boyfriend, married men and any other guy that i want. I typically am very indifferent to how i affect others with my sexuality even though it has ruined a lot of relationships with family, friends, and significant others. I am currently on my 26th sexual partner and i cant help to control myself! Ive been to therapy years ago but it may be time for another session! I crave this type of attention and im not sure if this is healthy!? Give advice please?

health answers:

Low self esteem

Charles asks…

does new york have histrionic personality disorder?

I always had a feeling she was mentally disturbed. does she have HPD? it usually occurs in women more than men

health answers:

I really think she does.
She acts bi-polar and schitzo.

She’s fine one moment, then flips out the next, then cries, then flips out again.

She should’ve used the boob job money to get some mental help!!

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