Do You Have Rosacea?
Jan 22nd, 2011 by Aldouspi

Do You Have Rosacea?

Many individuals have rosacea and do not know it. They have the symptoms but do not realize that the symptoms are actually a disorder and that there are treatments that can give them relief. Rosacea is a skin condition that many affects the facial area but can on rare occasions appear on the neck or chest areas. Common symptoms are facial flushing, bumps or pimples that resemble acne and coarseness to the skin.

To make the diagnosis of rosacea the physician or dermatologist will take a skin biopsy to rule out other skin diseases.

The physician or dermatologist will take a medical history and will be looking for symptoms that will be telltale signs of the conditions. Signs such as facial flushing, burning and stinging, edema, dry skin, pimples and bumps on the skin.

The most common symptom of rosacea is facial flushing along with a burning or stinging. The skin usually has a fine texture to it with the pimples or bumps being rough with possible scale.


The facial flushing may occur after consuming alcohol, drinking hot drinks, eating spicy foods, being in extreme hot or cold weather, or taking hot showers or baths. Certain topical ointments and creams can produce the burning and stinging reaction experienced on the face.

Patients have reported flare-ups of rosacea after using certain medications such as topical steroids, nasal steroids or high doses of vitamins B-6 or B-12.

Individuals who are fair-skinned and of European or Celtic origin are more prone to rosacea.

Individuals diagnosed with rosacea recall childhood occurrences of facial flushing that continued into their teens. As adults these same individuals continued to experience flushing but noticed additional symptoms that came about after drinking hot liquids, or taking hot baths or showers, or became emotional. Some individuals experience alcohol related flushing.

One difference between acne and rosacea is that with rosacea the skin tends to be dry and coarse and oil-free. Acne involves the presence of oil on the skin. Those with rosacea describe skin that is drying or peeling. Rosacea does not usually produce scarring.

If any of these symptoms sound familiar to you, then you owe it to yourself to explore the possibility of rosacea. The symptoms can increase when the condition is left untreated. To find out if you have rosacea, contact your physician and explain your symptoms. You will be asked to fill out a medical questionnaire that will allow the doctor to find out what your symptoms are and how long you have been experiencing them. The doctor will then complete an examination of your facial area and neck/chest regions if they are also affected. A biopsy may be necessary to rule out other skin diseases.

Knowing the symptoms of rosacea can help you to differentiate it from acne. Knowing that you may be dealing with something other than acne will help to spur you on to make that appointment with your doctor where you can have the diagnosis. Then you can answer the question, “Do I have Rosacea?”

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