Five Things To Consider About Your Drinking Water
Nov 24th, 2011 by Aldouspi

Five Things To Consider About Your Drinking Water

drinking water

By: Wesley Mccormick

Water seems pretty simple on the surface. Our body is primarily made of it (70%), and it covers about the same amount through ocean water on the earth’s surface (coincidence?). We wash with it, cook with it, and drink it every day. Water has so many uses, but are you using it properly to improve your health, rather than deteriorate it? Find out the Top 5 things you need to consider with your H20.

    If it’s tap, it’s likely crap.

Don’t take that literally, although I’m sure there is research documenting traces of fecal matter in the public drinking water supply.

However, the issue I’m referring to is fluoride. It was originally placed in our water supply to help us fight cavities, but has later been linked to health consequences such as neurotoxicity and cancer. That’s before we even consider the chlorine and other elements that have been added as well.

No matter what you believe, I prefer to drink my water fluoride and chlorine free, and eat foods that support my teeth and gums, while brushing daily (with fluoride and phosphate free toothpaste, naturally).

Seems like the more logical thing to do.

    If it’s in plastic, it’s likely not fantastic.

There are a few reasons to avoid water in plastic bottles.

The first is our environment. There is no doubt that the water industry would like to put a lid on the idea that plastic causes no harm to the environment, but landfill and oceans prove otherwise. The more plastic that we use, the more that needs to be disposed of somewhere and this stuff does not break down easily. In fact, one source says it takes 1000 years.

In 2005, it was estimated that only 12% of water bottles were recycled. In 2002, it was reported that 18% by volume of recovered litter from the Hudson River was beverage containers.

There’s a big rabbit hole on this one but to start to get an idea of why plastic bottles don’t make sense, check out Ban Plastic Water Bottles.

The other factor to consider is the effect of BPA that has recently garnered some serious attention as contaminating bottled water and causing issues linked to obesity (through toxic build up), diabetes, breast cancer and hyperactivity. Some companies have claimed to clean up their act but the idea that they are any where near squeaky clean is not well though out.

I also did a test on the alkalinity of some bottled waters, with popular brands showing up as 5.2 and 5.4 (find out which waters those were, here.). A ph in the body below 5.5 is considered a cancerous environment.

All this time you figured water should be alkaline (ph of 7 or higher) and all that bottled water you were drinking was a boon to your health.

Reconsider plastic, and go to glass or metal.

Reusable Water Bottles For Sale

[phpbay]Reusable Water Bottle, 3, “1430”, “”[/phpbay]

    Get it filtered, and you won’t be off kilter.

If you want to get your water ph balanced again, start with a proper filter. This will, at least, remove the toxic elements that your public system has so graciously added to the water (at your expense), which will automatically raise the ph and get some cleaner drinking water into your body.

Another factor that few consider, but really should, is a shower filter or even one for the entire house. The fact that you shower or soak in tap water is just as problematic as you drinking it. Your skin is the largest organ in your body and absorbs what you put on it. Showering in chlorine and fluoride everyday is not my idea of avoiding toxins, and when you are doing it everyday (presumably, but perhaps not for all), and drinking it all the time, day by day your toxin load increases.

A good water filter for drinking water and hygiene is one of the cheapest and easiest things to do for your health. It doesn’t take Ty Pennington to install (although I’m sure a few women wouldn’t mind) and its good for at least 6 months.

Shower Filters For Sale

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    Go for minerals, even if they are minimal.

After you have filtered your water, if you can take the next step and mineralize it, you are becoming a water nerd (and healthy one at that). Putting minerals back in your water, like nature intended, is as easy as adding some unprocessed sea salt, or a system that uses different earth elements that does it for you.

One such system that I use is Santevia. It has a nice home system, and a flask that helps filter and mineralize while you are on the road!!

Santevia Systems For Sale

[phpbay]Santevia, 3, “”, “”[/phpbay]

    Go structured, for maximum culture.

If you want the full experience that water can bring, tap into structured water. Also known as “intelligent” water, the same type of water makes up the majority of the cellular fluid found inside the cells of healthy tissue in the body. Its well known for its hydrating effects (no more bloating) and considered “bio-active”.

If you want to take your water to the next level, consider SereniGy G-Drops, which uses structured water, a “wetting agent”, and Ganoderma to maximize your hydration. Is easy to take with you and can simply be added to any filtered water. Plus, its naturally mineralizes as well and promotes hydration at the cellular level, which is all that really matters (dehydration at the cellular level results in disastrous health implications).

Structured Water Related Items For Sale

[phpbay]Structured Water, 2, “”, “”[/phpbay]

Ganoderma Related Items For Sale

[phpbay]Ganoderma, 2, “”, “”[/phpbay]

When you think about it, water is pretty simple but man has made it a lot more complicated than intended. Take advantage of water technologies as it is the single most important factor in your health.

After all, without a good clean source of H20, you are literally, dead in the water. How ironic would that be?

Author Resource:-> To learn more about the importance of water and food in your health, visit —- Article From Articles For All

Drinking Water Filters For Sale

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