Simple Treatments For Your Flu or Cold
Nov 9th, 2012 by Aldouspi

Simple Treatments For Your Flu or Cold

CC: Recovering by aaronparecki
flu treatment
By: Robert Corter

The best thing current cold treatments do is to bring relief to the symptoms or shorten the extent of the symptoms of colds and flues. There are various medications which can help relieve your symptoms, but there are many things you can do beyond taking over the counter medicines or prescribed medicines.

Here are some of the most effective home cold and flu treatments or procedures that can help you and your family feel better when suffering from colds or flu.

  • Get plenty of rest. Arming yourself with enough rest the moment you have contracted a flu or cold will help the body in fighting these conditions more effectively. This immune system tasks of protecting your body takes energy. It can difficult for your body, if you don’t have enough energy. So, keep warm and have some rest.

  • Gargle every once in a while. Gargling can help moisten sore throat and may bring tentative relief. Mix a teaspoon of salt with warm water and gargle this solution 4 times every day. In order to lessen the tickle in your throat, you can try gargling with an astringent gargle that has tannin. This can help tighten the membranes in your throat. You can also use thick gargles made from honey. Mix a teaspoon of honey with a tablespoon of lemon juice with 2 cups of hot water. Allow the mixture to reach room temperature before using it. However, you should keep in mind not to give honey to children younger than 1 year of age.

  • Drink warm liquids. This is one of the most common cold and flu remedies. Warm beverages can help relieve nasal congestion, soothe inflamed membranes lining your throat and nose and help rehydrate your body.

  • Take a warm shower. Steamy showers can help add moisture to nasal passages aside from keeping your body relaxed. If you feel dizzy because of the flu, you can keep a steamy shower running while sitting on a nearby chair taking a sponge bath.

  • Keep a salve under your nose. This is one of the well-known cold and flu remedies. A dab of salve with a little menthol can be placed under the nose in order to help relieve the irritated skin near the nose’s base and help open breathing passages. Eucalyptus, menthol and camphor can all help soothe the pain of an irritated nose.

  • Place cold or hot packs surrounding congested sinuses. Both of these temperatures can help relieve the symptoms of colds and flu. You can use reusable cold or hot packs from a drugstore or create your own.

  • Keep your head elevated when sleeping. This can also aid in draining the nasal passages.

  • Avoid flying as much as possible. Flying can add more stress to your already stressed body. Air pressure will also place more stress on your upper respiratory system. Flying with a flu or cold can harm your eardrums due to the changes in pressure while flying. If it is important that you fly, you must bring along a decongestant and nasal spray that you can use while traveling. Also, chewing gum can also aid in relieving pressure when flying.

Information provided is not medical advice – you should always consult your doctor.

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