The Iron Mineral
Dec 23rd, 2010 by Aldouspi

The Iron Mineral

Iron is one of the minerals that the body uses in order to balance certain areas of the body. It is an important substance to intake in your daily food cravings. Knowing why you should take iron and understanding how much to take will help in how your body is able to function.

After iron is taken into the system, it moves throughout the body and into the blood cells. From here, it is able to provide strength to the correct blood cells while getting rid of cells that aren’t needed. The main part where iron will go is in hemoglobin of red blood cells. It also moves into the muscle cells and affects myoglobin in these cells. Both of these parts of the cells have the function of carrying oxygen to different parts of the cells. Iron can help with this oxygen and how it is moved through the cells. Iron is also known to help with the proteins and enzymes and where they are transported to throughout the body.

Unlike other types of minerals, iron is found in several food sources, all containing different amounts of iron. The largest amounts of iron are found in meats, such as fish and dark red meat. There are also a large supply of iron that is found in grains and wheat. Eggs, especially the yolks, are also known to carry a large amount of iron in them. However, if none of these types of food sound satisfactory, there is other supplements that can be used that carry smaller amounts of iron. Whole grains, dried fruits and several types of vegetables all contain iron in them. However, in these types of foods, it will be harder for the body to carry out the sources of iron that are in them, because there are not as many.

If you don’t have enough iron in your diet, there are several short and long term problems that can occur. This may begin by having a lack of energy or feeling sleepy often. You may also experience levels of breath loss and your head may often get dizzy or cause headaches. Having too much iron in your system also causes the same types of problems, as the body is unable to balance out the levels of iron in the cells. With both of these problems, the transfer of oxygen becomes imbalanced, which begins the problems. If you think that your iron balance is off, make sure to see a health care professional or change your diet in order to re-balance your body.

In order to find out how much iron you need in your system, you should look into the USDA recommendations. These will differ according to gender, what age you are at and what your specific genetic needs are. If you feel that there are problems in relation to this and your food intake in relation to iron, you should see someone immediately to solve this problem.

Iron is an essential ingredient for proper functioning. Without iron in your system, it causes problems beginning at the smallest level of improper cell functioning. Making sure that you have enough iron in your system will provide for stronger cells as well as help with different levels of functioning. Looking into the amount of iron that you need in your system will help you in your health.

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