- Lose 1-2 Pounds per day using Homeopathic HCG Weight Loss Formula with Amino Acids to help evoke weight loss and re-shape your body
- Free Diet & Dr. Simeons EBook (PDF)
- Lose inches, melt body fat, reduce cravings, increase energy, regain your health
- LARGER 2 Ounce bottle lasts 28-40 days.
- Amino acids and Viamin B6 & B 12
Product Description
This is the LARGER 2 ounce bottle that lasts 4 weeks when taken daily. How would you like to lose 1-2 pounds per day while having amazing energy and no hunger? This product is used in conjunction by reading & following the HCG protocol as layed out in Dr. Simeons “Pound & Inches”. Now YOU too can lose weight fast without excercise or doing the painful injections. Both MEN & WOMEN benefit from this diet. We are now offering a Brand NEW Improved formula of homeopathic… More >>
Homeopathic HCG Weight Loss Formula + Amino acids and Vitamin B6 & B12 Large bottle
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