Surviving Prostate Cancer
Sep 20th, 2010 by Aldouspi

Surviving Prostate Cancer

The single most important thing a man can do in order to survive prostate cancer he does before he even knows he has it and that is to have early detection of the cancer. All men can improve their chance for early detection and thus improve their chances for surviving cancer by getting prostate screening done as early as age 40 and then having screening done every year.

It is not wise to wait for symptoms to appear before going to the doctor because in the case of prostate cancer, symptoms do not appear until the advanced stage of cancer is reached.

The treatment options for prostate cancer depend on factors such as age, the overall health of the man, and if there is any evidence of bladder infection or kidney damage that may have occurred as the result of an enlarged prostate.

Many men become overwhelmed by the prospect of what lie ahead with the disease and with so many treatment options.

It is good to discuss the treatment options with your doctor and also to get a second opinion about the diagnosis and the treatment.

Because of the different factors involved, there is no one single best treatment for prostate cancer. Each man must decide with his doctor what is the best treatment plan for his cancer. Some of the things a man with prostate cancer will need to discuss with his doctor include:

? His overall health

? Has the cancer spread?

? If it has spread, how fast is it growing?

? Age

? Is bladder and bowel control important?

? How comfortable would it be to monitor your disease without being treated?

? Is surgery an option or does your health prevent that option?

The treatment options differ depending on if the cancer is localized or if it has spread. Typically if the cancer is localized according to the Gleason Score the prostate cancer is at Stage II or I. Typically with localized cancer there are three options watchful waiting, surgery or radiation therapy.

Watchful waiting is medical observation without treatment being necessary yet. Surgery is usually a radical prostatectomy and is the complete removal of the prostate. Radiation therapy is used to kill all cancer cells by use of a high-energy x-ray.

In Stage III it is no longer enough to use localized therapies to stop the growth of the cancer hormonal therapy is also needed. Hormonal therapy includes clinical trials, cryosurgery, chemotherapy, early hormonal therapy, and conformal radiation therapy.

In order to survive prostate cancer, a man needs to have a positive attitude, a pro-active doctor willing to explore treatment options and keep an open mind about alternative therapies so that all the available technologies and medical expertise can be utilized to fight the cancer. It is also important that the man have a strong support system including family, friends and professional and medical staff.

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