Herbs and Supplements as Useful Therapies for Lupus
Feb 25th, 2011 by Aldouspi

Herbs and Supplements as a useful Therapy for helping to control symptoms of Lupus

lupus sufferers

Here we will cover a list of useful vitamin supplements and useful herbs for lupus sufferers that when combined into a plan for herbal therapy will help to bring some comfort and relief from lupus symptoms. We will also briefly cover what herbal therapy attempts to accomplish.

So what can herbal therapy help you with?

Well, the best thing it can hope to do is help your body enter the battle against disease with a stronger immune system. The attempt is made at doing this, in a gentle way, acting as an aid to your body’s own defense system. It is thought by herbalists, that herbs help to strike a balance with a person’s energy field. For example, in the natural healing process, a Chinese herbalists attempts to supply the body with herbs and supplements that give the body what it is missing.

One of the main things you have to consider with a supplemental or herbal treatment is, it has to have time to accomplish the task. Herbs work gently over time ,to balance the body, and help it to work more efficiently. So, with a long term natural herbal therapy, which uses a variety of supplements, used in a synergistic way, actual relief might be felt and the disease might even be slowed down a bit. There are more advantages to using natural herbs and supplements. One is that it can help to ease the use of conventional and more side effect ridden medications.

While you should consider using any supplement with the supervision of your doctor many supplements to help with lupus can be used as a complementary treatment to the conventional medications your doctor might prescribe.

Herbs that help with inflammation are a very good for those who suffer from lupus. Some that might help with this would be:

    * feverfew
    * turmeric
    * liqourice
    * ginger
    * golden seal
    * slippery elm powder

While those are just a few herbs that would be beneficial for one type of symptom, there are more, but here let’s explore the vitamins. Because lupus sufferers are affected by numerous allergic reactions which seem to be magnified and altered by a vitamin deficiency, there are some very important vitamins to consider.

The most critical seem to be:

    * Niacin
    – followed by
    * B1
    * C
    * B6
    * E
    …and in some case also:
    * B12
    * B2
    * folic acid
    * pantothenic acid

While there are some important minerals to also consider which are:

    * Selenium
    * Magnesium
    * Zinc maganese

While vitamins are very important, you should be certain not to take too much. Even though a lot of them are evacuated via the kidneys, vitamins that are fat soluble like A, E, and D have the ability to build up in your body.

Some of the vitamins mentioned can help to counter the effects that are harmful due to the long term usage of a corticosteroid. While others help with anemia and even complications like depression or pms. These are some of the problems that can exist in conjunction with lupus.

Lupus sufferers can help themselves out more by using primrose oil or borage oil as they will help with inflammation. While this information provided here isn’t exhaustive, there is enough here to get you to understand that herbal therapy, vitamins, and supplements play an important role in supporting a persons immune system while it wages a war against the immune disorder known as lupus.

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