understanding rosea rhodiola and its pros and cons
Aug 21st, 2010 by Aldouspi

Understanding Rosea Rhodiola and its Pros and Cons

You have already probably heard about Rosea Rhodiola. Whether what you heard is good or bad its better to first understand it fully so that you yourself will be able to decide whether it would do you good, just like with anything else. But there has to be a reason why Rosea Rhodiola has increasingly become a household name. This is because Rosea Rhodiola is an all natural herb, and many people are turning towards herbs because they don’t possess chemicals like many medications nowadays do. Plus, there are so many health benefits that one can gain from Rosea Rhodiola.

But first, here is a brief overview of what Rosea Rhodiola is.

The Rosea Rhodiola plant grows in areas of high altitude, it is mostly found in mountains in Europe and Asia. This herb can grow about fifteen inches and can be very resilient against harsh climates; it also has blue green leaves and a yellow flower. The leaves and the flower though is not what is gathered for its medicinal attributes, it is the Rosea Rhodiola root.

So beneficial is this plant that it has been used now for many centuries over. While its attributes have been used for a great number of conditions, it is only now that they have been pin pointed to be effective in particular health conditions. In fact, in the last century, it has been said that the Russian Army relied on the Rosea Rhodiola extract to help its soldiers boost their energy when going on long hikes in high altitudes on mountain trails.

Because of its long medical history, the Rosea Rhodiola has been subjected to numerous clinical studies to prove if they are really effective and to indicate their health properties to accurately use it for the benefit of the human race. Many of these researches have been done all around the world and mosgt opf them have come up with the same results showing which areas Rosea Rhodiola can provide benefits. These benefits mainly surround the areas where there is improved performance, such as the promotion of mental performance, the reduction of various stress levels, promote better and deeper sleep, enhance stamina, endurance and energy, uplift the mood of a person, and improve sexual performance.

There are still numerous health benefits that can be derived from Rosea Rhodiola extract but those mentioned above are what have been touted as the top and immediate benefits that are realized.

But like in any medicine, herb or supplement, the main concern would always be if thee would be any side effects. While it is true that the Rosea Rhodiola is all natural and being an adaptogen is devoid of any toxins, they are still not free from any possible side effects; fortunately, this is very rare and applies only to a selected few. What should be concentrated on to avoid any possible negative effects is to ensure that the proper dosage is taken. It would always be the best route to consult a doctor or herbalist first to guarantee your safety.

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