Your Ideal Cholesterol Ratios
Jun 1st, 2011 by Aldouspi

Your Ideal Cholesterol Ratios

Cholesterol Ratio

High cholesterol is a growing problem for older Americans, and is often a numbers game. Here is some information to help you understand cholesterol ratios and determine what your ideal ratio is.

Normally, when you have a cholesterol test, you will have some blood drawn. It will then be measured for the amount of cholesterol it contains. Often, your doctor will not only test your total cholesterol, but the different types of cholesterol in your blood. This is because the different kinds of cholesterol have different effects on your heart and body. By understanding how they relate to each other, you and your doctor can get a better picture of your overall health.

Looking at the numbers – Your blood cholesterol test will look at your total cholesterol. It will also measure the three kinds of cholesterol – low density lipoprotein (LDL), high density lipoprotein (HDL), very low density lipoprotein (VLDL). The total cholesterol is the sum of the three different types. Most doctors are only concerned with the total number and the HDL and LDL levels (VLDL cholesterol does not appear to influence heart disease risks).

LDL cholesterol is also known as the “bad” form of cholesterol, since elevated amounts of LDL are directly linked to your risk of heart disease. When there are large amounts of this type of cholesterol in your blood, the cholesterol can buildup as plaque along the walls of your arteries. Over time, this causes your arteries to harden and narrow, greatly increasing your risk of heart attacks and strokes.

HDL cholesterol, helps to fight against the other two (LDL and VLDL). It removes the accumulation of the bad cholesterol and carries it off to the liver, where it can be broken down and eliminated. Known as the “good” cholesterol, you are at higher risk for heart problems, if the HDL number becomes too low. The higher the HDL, the better the ratios between it and your LDL cholesterol or total cholesterol will be.

Having good cholesterol levels – Most doctors will follow a basic set of numbers for determining their patients’ risk levels for heart disease and other complications. For total cholesterol, 200 mg/DL or less is ideal, while your number should never go over 240 mg/DL. For the LDL cholesterol in particular, under 100 mg/DL is ideal, while your total number should never go over 160 mg/DL. For HDL cholesterol, the ideal number is over 60 mg/DL, and should not drop below 40 mg/DL for men and 50 mg/DL for women.

Using these numbers, you can figure out what a healthy cholesterol level is. For instance, if your blood cholesterol levels are all within optimal ranges, your total to HDL cholesterol ratio is 200/60 (3.3:1) and your LDL to HDL cholesterol ratio is 100/60 (1.7:1)

Sticking to these numbers will make it much easier to track your progress when you are lowering your cholesterol levels. Remember that the closer your numbers are to the ideal range, the lower your risk of heart attack, stroke, and other coronary problems becomes. Ask your doctor about receiving regular cholesterol checks to monitor your progress.

Cholesterol Related Resources….

The Prescription Free Cholesterol Cure.

Discover How To Lower Cholesterol Without Drugs.

Crunch Cholesterol: Safe, Natural Secrets for High Cholesterol

Cholesterol expert Colin Carmichael reveals the little known and seldom talked about secrets found in nature that work wonders at lowering cholesterol & triglycerides. Get cleaner arteries and kick start your heart health in lightning fast time.

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