Making the Choice Between a Vasectomy and a Tubal Ligation
Feb 3rd, 2011 by Aldouspi

Making the Choice Between a Vasectomy and a Tubal Ligation

Many couples facing the need for permanent birth control are finding that they should investigate the risks versus benefits between the male having a vasectomy performed and the female having a tubal ligation performed. It is vital that all birth control methods be considered before choosing a permanent choice for birth control. Couples who have reviewed all the available choices and have decided to select a permanent one will then need to research both procedures and discuss any questions they have with their healthcare providers before making a final choice. Here are some basic comparisons between the two permanent birth control procedures that will help get you started on your research of vasectomies and tubal ligation.

Comparing vasectomy and tubal ligation side by side the variables you would be interested in looking at would probably be obviously to be sure that you are looking at permanent birth control choices – which they both are. Then, you would probably like to examine the failure rates, and if the procedures are covered by most insurance plans. Then you would be interested in where the procedure could be performed and the time the procedure would take to complete. You would want to know what type of anesthesia could be used with each of the procedures and what if any postoperative care is necessary or customary. Those who work outside of the home would be interested in how long they might expect to be off of work during the recuperative stage. It would be important to know what kind and duration of pain or discomfort that is typical for the two procedures, as well as any risks or complications associated with each of the procedures.

Looking at the vasectomy procedure we can locate facts that say that it is indeed a permanent birth control method, has a failure rate of 0.02 – 0.2%, is usually covered by insurance companies, can be done in an office setting, out-patient clinic or as a out-patient hospital procedure. The vasectomy is done in 30 minutes or less and requires local anesthesia. Males return home immediately after the procedure is complete and can expect to be off of work for approximately 48 hours or less.

The typical cost for a vasectomy is approximately $350.00 to $1,000.00. The male can expect mild pain, possible soreness, bruising, swelling or inflammation of the procedure site. The only risks that have been associated with the vasectomy are those associated with the use of anesthesia, which typically is of an allergic reaction nature treatable, by medication. Complications from the vasectomy procedure are rare and include infection or hematoma, both treatable by rest and medication.

The tubal ligation is also a permanent birth control method with a failure rate of 0.75 to 1.85%. It is usually covered by insurance and is performed in hospital. Tubal ligation is considered to be major surgery and takes approximately 1 hour or more for the surgery to be performed. General anesthesia is used during the operation. There is usually an overnight stay in the hospital required and anywhere from 4 days to a week off of work while recuperating from surgery. Cost associated with a tubal ligation is typically in the $1,000.00 to $3,500.00 range. The tubal ligation is major surgery and carries with it significant amount of pain, and possibly chronic pelvic pain in some women who undergo the procedure. There is the same risk of any major surgery for bleeding, infection, and allergic reaction to the general anesthesia or even death.

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